October 25, 2007 Charting the IT Path: Unifying IT Strategic Planning with Central and Decentralized IT Goals EDUCAUSE 2007 Annual Conference October 23-26, Seattle, WA 1
October 25, 2007 Presenters Joe Gargiulo, Executive Director, Administrative Computing, Budget and Information Technology Services (BITS) Ellen Jackofsky, Associate Provost, the Provost Office JoAnn Lan, Executive Director, Academic Computing, BITS Randall Powell, Associate VP, BITS Mary Queyrouze, Director, Systems & Information Support Services, Central University Libraries 2
October 25, 2007 Literature Review IT strategic planning among EDUCAUSE Current Issues top ten list since 2000 Information Technology Services 3
October 25, 2007 Literature Review (cont.) Questions to ask: –What process and models will be used? –Will the process be internal or involve hired consultants? –How will strategic planning inform decision-making (cabinet/executive level vs. operational/tactical levels)? 4
October 25, 2007 Literature Review (cont.) Questions to ask: –What approaches will be used to articulate service or success (benchmarks, metrics, service-level agreements)? –How will it be maintained in the organization? –How to align future-oriented programs and services across the entire organization? 5
October 25, 2007 Literature Review (cont.) (executive summary) (benchmarking) (target completion dates) (performance plan) 6
October 25, 2007 SMU 7
October 25, 2007 Some History LAN and Computer Planning and Policy Council Allocation of IT resources and policies for access to networks 8
October 25, 2007 Some History (cont.) Specific goals of IT application to educational mission –Teaching; scholarly research; creative expression; and library system and the administrative offices –To implement these goals, costs were divided into four areas: Instructional technology; desktops and shared hardware and software; network infrastructure; and technical staff 9
October 25, 2007 Principles A unified IT strategic plan for the university Plan to be produced in a restricted timeframe Participative process 10
October 25, 2007 Processes Advisory committee appointed IT Task Force to develop draft plan Included representatives from 7 schools, central IT, campus libraries Reviewed IT plans other universities Reviewed SMU strategic plan mission and goals 11
October 25, 2007 Processes (cont.) Determined 9 goals - key priorities for SMU Sought faculty & staff input – –schools/departments –faculty senate IT committee –advisory committee sub-committees Added individual school/dept. IT implementation plans under goals 12
October 25, 2007 Processes (cont.) Draft goals approved by advisory committee Small group reviewed, consolidated goals & created common objectives based on individual implementation plans New draft sent to Task Force members for review & feedback 13
October 25, 2007 Next Steps Approval process Implementation plan Assessment plan 14
October 25, 2007 Panel Discussions What were the major lessons you have learned in the process? What new insights have you gained through the process, esp. related to the issue of balancing centralized and de-centralized IT support? What recommendations would you make to others who are in a similar process? 15
October 25, 2007 Website 16