An Introduction to Game Design by Zachary Sanders Subtitles – “My name is Zachary Sanders and I will be giving a brief presentational video on some of the basics of video game design
Video Games Breadth of video games User Interface/User Experience (UI/UX) Computer Programming/Software Math and Physics Art Engineering and Networks Sales and Marketing Business and many more fields Subtitles – “Video games touch a wide variety of different fields, from the obvious programming and physics side, to the not so obvious art and user experience side. I’ve included some of the most popular and successful video games of all time, from the basic Super Mario 3 to the massively multiplayer role playing game of World of Warcraft, all of which incorporate all of these fields of study.” [ 7 ]
Video Game Design Game Design programs are offered at many popular universities and institutions Definition - The process of designing the content and rules of a video game in the pre-production stage and designing the gameplay, environment, storyline, and characters in the production stage. [ MSU - 6 ] Subtitles – “Video game design, in general, is everything that goes into making a video game. Some games emphasize different aspects of the design process such as the visual quality of the environment or detailed player interactions and dialogues. Game design has become a popular field of study at many popular universities and institutions.” [ UT - 5 ] [ Berklee - 4 ]
Game Design Principles Environment Narrative Visual Style Graphic User Interface Perspective (First person, Third person) Level of detail Game world Architecture Terrain Objects And more.. Story Characters Non-Player characters (computer) Dialogue Personality Feedback System Can be text, graphics, videos or a combination of the three Ties into all aspects of the game Subtitles – “I’d like to briefly go over four important game design principles. The first is environment, which encompasses all of the visual aspects of a game down to details such as how water should look and ripple when an object falls into it. The environment of the game is extremely important from a design perspective because players will hopefully be spending hours immersed in a complex and visually pleasing environment. The second design principle is narrative, which mainly deals with designing a unique and interesting story for the player to experience. Narrative is important because players want to feel immersed in a virtual reality when playing games, if the story is boring, doesn’t make sense, or is lacking ingenuity the player will be less likely to enjoy it. “ Principles motivated by source [ 3 ]
Game Design Principles Satisfiability Audience Is the game satisfying? Feedback Rewards and Achievement Progression Difficulty Longevity of content Know your audience Age group Children, Teens, Adults Preferences Action Adventure Player Interaction Multiplayer Subtitles – “The third and possibly most important design principle I’d like to discuss is satisfiability. Whether a game is satisfying can go a long way in terms of player enjoyment and user experience, and it can often make up for portions of a game that have less depth to it. For instance, League of Legends and Call of Duty are very popular games right now but their narrative isn’t very in depth and a majority of the players just ignore it. However the games themselves are considered to be very satisfying because of the in depth satisfying design of the game play. “The fourth and last principle I’d like to discuss is the audience. Knowing your projected audience when developing a game is very critical to it’s success. When designing a game for an audience like Call of Duty, who mainly play online in multiplayer settings, a designer would want to focus their time on that aspect as opposed to the aspects that won’t be used as much. Satisfiability principle motivated by source [ 1 ] Audience principle motivated by source [ 2 ]
Sources Game Design Resources game-design-by-Andrew-S-Walsh.aspx All game cover photos were acquired from publicly accessible Google Images and formatted to fit the slides World of Warcraft, League of Legends, Halo, Super Mario Bros. 3 and Grand Theft Auto V, Pac-man Personal laptop and Xbox with games such as Fallout 4 and Halo Personal gaming experiences Subtitles – “Here is a list of the sources I used to create this presentation.”
The End Thank you for watching my presentation of information about game design! Subtitles – “Thank you for watching my presentation, I hope I’ve peaked your interest in game design!”. [ 7 ]