What is life????
A living thing!!
All living things are made of CELLS: a) unicellular b) multicellular Organized: tissues = group of cells ex: muscle organ – group of tissues ex: skin system = group of organs ex: circulatory system
Organism obtains materials from its environment & prepares it for use Ingestion: Digestion Egestion:
Includes absorption of materials into the organism and distribution of the materials within the organism.
Chemical processes by which an organism obtains energy from food materials in order to maintain its life functions.
Removal of waste products produced within the organism as a result of metabolic activities. Ex: sweating urine exhaling CO 2
Includes the chemical activities by which an organism builds large molecules from smaller ones.
Is the control and coordination of the various activities of an organism, including response to stimuli
The use of the products of synthesis to increase the cell size and/or the number of cells of an organism.
Production of new individuals. Reproduction is necessary for the survival of the type of organism, or species. Asexual = one parent (identical) Sexual = two parents (not identical) SORRY NO PICTURES !!!
Asexual – tuber (underground stem swollen with food)
Maintenance a stable internal environment by means of the control & regulation of its metabolic activities.
The sum total of all the chemical processes by which an organism carries on its life functions.
Two baby Sloth Bears rescued from Traders
Bear cubs are purchased for use as Dancing Bears and trained by using brutally and cruel techniques such as thrusting a red hot needle through their muzzle to insert a coarse rope through it to make them dance and entertain tourists.
THEMES CHARACTERISTICS 1. cell structure and function 2. stability and homeostasis 3. Reproduction and inheritance 4. evolution 5. interdependence of organisms 6. matter, energy and organization 1. respiration 2. transport 3. synthesis 4. regulation 5. growth 6. excretion 7. nutrition 8. *reproduction*