BSA Outdoor Ethics Reflection & Direction
Thinking back : Outdoor Code
The decades roll past 's – Low / Minimum Impact Camping 1990's – Leave No Trace Center established (Thanks, Jeff !!) 1993 BSA Jamboree – LNT Exhibit (Thanks, Charlie !!) 1998 – Venturing Ranger Award - LNT Core Requirement
And then What?
2005 BSA – LNT Partnership & Leave No Trace Task Force
In less than 10 years since 2005 Dozens of LNT ME courses conducted by BSA Hundreds of LNT Master Educators trained Hundreds of LNT Trainer Courses We're #1! Contact with hundreds of thousands of Cubs, Scouts, Venturers & Volunteer leaders
Since less than 5 years ago Leave No Trace in 100 th Anniv. BSA Handbook Leave No Trace throughout BSA Fieldbook 100's of Council OE Advocates recruited Hundreds of thousands of Scouts increase their knowledge of LNT by earning Camping & other Merit Badges & First Class
Thanks to all of you!
What's Next? Near Term LNT Master Educator Recertification Program (January 1, 2015) OE 101 Course Guide adjustments; re-start testing & adjustments (TBD) Finalize OE Awards program (TBD) LNT Master Educator Instructor Development
What's Next Building the Team - recruit Northeast Region OE Coordinator - recruit Area OE Advocates - full complement of Council OE Advocates Improve communications & information sharing Clarify & Communicate Program Objectives
Objectives of BSA Outdoor Ethics Establish & Reinforce importance of ethical decision making for all members (youth and adult), especially in the context of outdoor activities Protect (and restore) BSA properties Protect public and private land used by BSA members & units for outdoor recreation Improve perception of BSA among land managers and others with whom we share the outdoors Reduce likelihood of high profile, high impact negative events
BSA National Strategic Plan ( ) Pillar IV:Dynamic & Relevant Program Objective II: The BSA is known as the premier outdoor program provider and educator.
What's Next? Tread Lightly! relationship Publications - BSA Supplement to Master Educator Handbook - BSA Trainer Course Manual National (and international) events Increased Integration & Coordination - Training, Conservation, Camping, Summer Camp.... We Need Everyone!