O CCUPATIONAL T HERAPY Equipment and Software Kelly Smith
O BJECTIVES To have the appropriate equipment for children being seen in our office. To make sure our offices has the newest and most efficient products to ensure the health, wellness and safety of our patients.
H OMESTAND II PORTABLE SWING FRAME Fun and innovative way to enhance children's sensory systems Easily stored Can fit in any trunk or car (for our at home patients) Can hold up to 325 lbs. 360 degree turning swivel for spinning Can fit in any room, heights can change from 6.5 to 7.5 especially suited for children with autism.
W HERE CAN YOU GET IT ? Great new website for fun therapeutic activities for children and even adults: n.com/homestand-ii- portable-swing- frame-2673.html n.com/homestand-ii- portable-swing- frame-2673.html Cost: $999.99
AIR LITE BALL PIT Helps with sensory integration Touch and motor therapy Holds up to 250lbs. Soft and durable flocked covered vinyl Wipe to clean and air dries Cushioned bottom incase of falls or slipping Can fit up to 6 children and 500 balls (sold separately)
C OST ? W HERE TO BUY ? litetm-ball-pit.htmlhttps://funandfunction.com/air- litetm-ball-pit.html $ for ball pit $76.99 for air inflator/deflator $99.99 for 500 colored balls (crush resistant)
A DAPTIVE CLIMBING WALL Provides opportunities to develop balance, body awareness, muscle strength, gross motor skills and more! 8x20 climbing wall or customized size for our walls Features dry erase and magnetic surfaces for added learning Installed for US by THEM
B UYING ? wall-3450.html Cost includes 2in thick royal blue mats for safety $6,799.99
I NTERACTIVE S OFTWARE L IBRARY I Enhances technology skills Enhances future success with learning Gives fun activities and reading to help calm children Children can save results Can use different books and activities depending on patient
C OST ? wall-3450.html $99.99 Easy to install
T RAMPOLINE WITH HAND RAIL Great for sensory input Fun way to help children with cardio and exercise Good outlet for too much energy in over active children Holds up to 220lbs. Adjustable handrails depending on the child
W HERE AND HOW MUCH ? wall-3450.html $79.99