Being a Professional Educator Cooney — a math teacher is a mathematician (a person with a general knowledge of mathematics and a specialty skill to enable effective teaching)
Professional Behaviors Take 6 minutes to come up with a list of professional behaviors that you deem are necessary to be a successful student teacher. –In the classroom –In the community Move to new groups and compare and contrast your lists. (6 minutes) Create a note-sheet of the professional behaviors that you consider a must during your student teaching. (6 minutes) Each group report out.
Professional Behaviors Maintain records daily (pupil’s and cooperating teacher’s). Maintain confidentiality of information/records. Adapt to changes in classroom routine. Act and Communicate as a Professional Dress appropriately and maintain personal hygiene. Respond favorably to constructive feedback. Implement changes after feedback is provided. Arrive on time each scheduled day. Be attentive to your demeanor when in public. (Conduct, appearance, character)
Avoid Each of the Following Practices 1. Give any pupil medication, prescribed or over-the- counter 2. Physically handle pupils 3. Photograph, video-record, or tape-record pupils unless approval has been received by the cooperating teacher and the pupil’s parent/guardian. 4. Take pupils outside the school with you 5. Take anyone with you, without permission, into the school. 6. Offer to provide transportation for any pupil using your own vehicle. 7. Release any pupil to an adult claiming to be a parent, guardian, relative, or other responsible person (even if shown an identification) without first checking with the cooperating classroom teacher or the school office.
“Chain of Command” (Student) Classroom teacher Department chairperson Building administrator Curriculum coordinator District Superintendent Board of Education
Professional Membership NYSTRS (Retirement) Local federation (Union) NYSUT (State Union affiliate) AFT (Federal Union affiliate) PTA (Parent Teacher Association) Many other options are available - AMTNYS, NCTM, etc.
Probationary Process Three year period Consideration for tenure at end Evaluations more frequent Challenging time with completion of state requirements for professional certification
Evaluations Building principal or assistant Sometimes a fellow teacher (chairperson) Evaluations are signed and become part of permanent personnel file Employee can attach a response to accompany the evaluation in the file
Personnel File Single repository for your “professional life” within a district Important for tenure consideration and periodic review You have access to it at any time
Service to School Not Required – but recommended Athletic teams (Coach, assistant coach, referee, clock, stats, sing the national anthem) Drama Coach, Mock Trial, Wiz-Quiz, Odyssey of the Mind, Chess Club, Lego club, Gaming Club…. NYS Math League, Math Counts Coach, Pi-Mu- Epsilon Team Competition (SLU), American Mathematics Competition (SUNY Potsdam)
Community Connection Parents are a vital resource to you Community involvement can allow others to get to know you outside of your profession Overextension is a concern
Parents Contact and communicate regularly Can be closest ally or worst enemy, often you will determine Although they aren’t part of the “chain of command,” they will often be there at varying levels Their position(s) can have tremendous influence
Colleagues Excellent resource, especially your mentor Negative versus positive outlooks Work cooperatively to solve problems Treat them as professionals and they will (usually) rise to your level of expectation
Other Resources Guidance Counseling Center and staff School Nurse and data Special Education department and information about student needs Disciplinary office and data Secretarial staff throughout the building and the district Custodial staff throughout the building and the district
You, the PROFESSIONAL Always be positive Always be prepared Always be punctual Always be proactive Always be pursuing your own improvement