Data for Student Success September 16, 2011 “It is about focusing on building a culture of quality data through professional development and web based dynamic inquiries for school improvement.”
Approval of Recommended Cut Scores - Math
Approval of Recommended Cut Scores - Reading
Approval of Recommended Cut Scores – Science
Approval of Recommended Cut Scores – Social Studies
Approval of Recommended Cut Scores - Writing 1.NOT included 2.MEAP writing test was new in fall 2011 and does not have the data necessary to map cut scores on the MEAP back from cut scores on the MME 3.The MME writing cut score is already similar to the ACT writing college ready benchmark 4.MEAP writing cut score were already set to be consistent with the MME writing cut scores.
Comparison of Impact of Old and New Cut Scores – Math
Comparison of Impact of Old and New Cut Scores - Reading
Comparison of Impact of Old and New Cut Scores - Science
Comparison of Impact of Old and New Cut Scores – Social Studies
Approximate Percent Correct Scores Required to Pass - Math
Comparison of Impact of Old and New Cut Scores – Reading
Approximate Percent Correct Scores Required to Pass - Science
Approximate Percent Correct Scores Required to Pass – Social Studies
Note: The percent correct scores needed to achieve proficiency range from the high 50s to the low 80s with the majority in the 60s. The differences from grade to grade and subject to subject arise because of differences between the tests from grade to grade and subject to subject.
District Impact – Change in Performance Category Partially or Not Proficient
District Impact – Change in Performance Category NEW ADVANCED
Locally Insert your local data here for the purpose of supporting your districts in understanding the impact of the new cut scores for student learning.
BAA Professional Learning Link to BAA Professional Learning Site dedicated to professional learning related to state assessments _ ,00.htmlhttp:// _ ,00.html
Data for Student Success Key Contact Information Mary Gehrig, Assistant Superintendent, Calhoun ISD Mike Oswalt, Assistant Superintendent, Calhoun ISD Becky Rocho, Assistant Superintendent, Calhoun ISD Maureen Slamer – Data 4SS PD Director, Calhoun ISD