Cell Cycle By: Aaron Crawley
Interphase \ Interphase-prep stage DNA replicates (exact copy). Prep-stage ology/the-three-stages-of- interphase escencemitosis/interphase2large.html
Mitosis Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telaphase
Prophase A&P%20Basics/Lab/Basics%2 0Lab%20Exercises/lab_exerci se_04_cells.htm /10757/enlarge When the nuclear membrane + nucleosis dissapear Spnidle fibers appear (ropes)
Metaphase arbup01/research.html DA/CPUnit/refId-hg0806.html Duplicated chromosomes move to middle. Sister chromatids move to either side.
Anaphase m/biology/cellreproduction /mitosis/section2.rhtml phase Moves quickly Sister chromatids separate and move to opposite sides
Telophase (Two) metaphase.html safe=active&sa=X&biw=1280&bih=929&tbm=isch&pr md=imvns&tbnid=0TN0BKNFBSYCVM:&imgrefurl=http ://domin.dom.edu/faculty/jonahmm/biol111/biol_11 1_slides/mitosis/pages/01whitefish_blastula.htm&doc id=Xve5RN2CjVS2ZM&imgurl= Nuclear membrame+nucleousis reappear Chromosomes loosen up and become chromatain.
Cell Division Interphase Prep- stage when DNA replicates (exact copy) Mitosis: Prophase When nuclear membrane + nucleosis appear spindle fibers appear (ropes). Mitosis: Metaphase Duplicated chromosomes move to middle. Sister chromatids move to either side. Mitosis: Anaphase Moves quickly. Sister chromatids move to either side. Mitosis: Telophase Nuclear membrane and nucleolus reapear. Chromosomes loosen up and become chromatin. Cytokinesis Always moving to the next stage.