MY HIGH SCHOOL AND BEYOND PLAN Naviance Family Connection UNIT 1 LESSON 10 1
Learning Outcome Students will reflect on their work and learning outcomes obtained in Unit 1 DEVELOPING MY HIGH SCHOOL AND BEYOND PLAN of the College and Career Readiness Seminar. Students will complete their High School and Beyond Plan. UNIT 1 LESSON 10 2
Lesson Tasks Complete the My High School and Beyond Plan Self- Evaluation Complete the My High School and Beyond Plan Survey UNIT 1 LESSON 10 3
My High School and Beyond Plan Self-Evaluation Reflect and respond on what you learned by completing the My High School and Beyond Plan Unit 4 UNIT 1 LESSON 10
Log-in To Naviance Family Connection Log-in: username: student ID password: last 4 digits of your student ID and the day you were born (xxxx-last four digits of student ID and XX Birthday day) Example: UNIT 1 LESSON 10 5
My High School And Beyond Plan Survey Next, open the about me tab and select my high school and beyond plan senior year UNIT 1 LESSON 10 6
Questions Answer the questions on the My High School and Beyond Plan Senior Year survey Notice the questions marked with a red asterisk * are required questions UNIT 1 LESSON 10 7
Questions When answering questions about your college choices please indicate your acceptance status UNIT 1 LESSON 10 8
Questions For questions you will answer the questions using a rating scale from Strongly Disagree to 5 - Strongly Agree UNIT 1 LESSON 10 9
Complete the Lesson… You have two options at the end of the survey 1. Save and return later if you need more time to complete 2. Save and I am finished if you have answered all the required questions Be sure to complete My High School and Beyond Plan Senior Year survey (option # 2) UNIT 1 LESSON 10 10