Understanding CTE Program Level Data Ohio Improvement Institute
Data Confusion
Goal Improve Instruction – Focus on Quality Instruction District Resource – Professional Development – Recording longitudinal data Communication with Community – Being proactive with real-time data
Foundational Needs Align to Strategic Plan and Mission Need to create a data team – EMIS Coordinator – Testing Individuals – Administration – Data Entry Individuals – CTE – Associate School Staff Set a vision to accurately collect, record, analyze, report, project, and audit district, building, program, and course level data.
WARNING These data points can be used to evaluate a singular program over time. These data points should not be used to compare programs against each other.
Secondary Workforce Development Academic Attainment – Reading/Language Arts Academic Attainment – Mathematics Technical Skill Attainment Secondary School Completion Student Graduation Rates Secondary Placement Nontraditional Participation Nontraditional Completion
State Report Cards
How do you collect the data? Students sit for credential exam Teacher reports data in spreadsheet as part of check-out procedure Supervisor collects spreadsheet and places in check-out folder Supervisor panics when EMIS Coordinator asks for data Students sit for credential exam Teacher prints (when available) results directly from credential issuer Teacher provides results ASAP to supervisor Supervisor provides electronic copy to data person Data person creates report for data team Data person archives data and creates reports for instructors.
Concentrator CTE PARTICIPANT AND CONCENTRATOR DEFINITIONS AND GUIDANCE Accountability-Manual/CTE-PARTICIPANT-AND-CONCENTRATOR-DEFINITIONS-AND-GUIDANCE.pdf.aspx Two-Year CTE Program Year 1 = 50% of the program; Year 2 = 50% of the program If student successfully completes Year 1 and does NOT enroll in Year 2, student has NOT attained CTE Concentrator status. Do NOT report student as a CTE Concentrator in this CTE program. If student successfully completes Year 1 and enrolls in Year 2, student has attained CTE Concentrator status. Report student as a CTE Concentrator in this CTE program in Year 2.
Assessments WebXam – CTSD and CTPD data Credential Test Results – Work with the issuers to obtain results ACT – Average the results by school and by program
O FFICE OF C AREER -T ECHNICAL E DUCATION A CCOUNTABILITY M ANUAL Accountability/Career-Tech-Accountability-Manual Industry Certificate or License - 1STP3 Approved List of Industry Certificate or License Accountability
Credentials State Approved List
Credentials Credential (not on state list) – Recognize your programs if they are issuing meaningful certifications (collect and report the data) FANUC HandlingPRO ASE Student Certification – Equipment Specific Certifications Fork Lift Torch Cutting
ACT College and Career Ready Average ACT Score and # of students – This will give instructors a gage for college ready in their program If your district does not receive ACT results then you must work well with your associate districts to get the scores. – We utilize the guidance office to obtain scores.
Graduation Four Year – Reported by associate districts – Must check the year entering 9 th grade Percentage reported by program will create more individual attention. – Use Access to sort these files Honors Diploma Dual Enrollment
Follow-up Collection Process – Nine Step Process – Cover during a staff meeting and explain roles – Data must touch teachers hand at least twice Reporting – ELI example – Create a spreadsheet of all data collected – Generate forms so staff can see results – Follow-up data is critical for “Data Sheet” that is shared with the community
Follow-Up Process 1)Provide program instructors with a list of concentrators and the survey. a)If the instructor knows the survey status of the concentrator the instructor can complete the survey. b)If the instructor does not know the survey status of the concentrator the instructor will not complete the survey. c)All surveys, complete and incomplete will be returned to the school improvement office. 2)School improvement will a Google Form of the follow-up survey to concentrators.
Follow-Up Process 3)School improvement office makes first round of calls to concentrators to complete the survey. 4)School improvement office makes second round of calls to concentrators to complete the survey. 5)School improvement office analyzes initial data and creates reports. a)Report sent to instructors for auditing of accuracy. b)Report on Status Known rate and Post Program Placement sent to administration.
Follow-Up Process 6)Status unknown concentrator names go back to all instructors to attempt contact. 7)School improvement office completes final attempt to locate status unknown concentrators. 8)School improvement office analyzes final data and creates report. 9)Data is reported to Ohio Department of Education
Collection System Who When What format What details Storage/ maintaining/ easy recall – Keep notes (Graduation % Question)
You will not remember! Scan in your notes because…..
Reporting To Staff – Program Report Cards To Administration – Data File To Community – Data Sheet
(PROGRAM NAME HERE) AchievementPrepared for Success Program Report Card Graduation Post Program Outcomes Updated Technical Skill Attainment measures the proportion of students passing technical assessments. These assessments are designed to measure the skills and knowledge learned in a student’s career-technical program. Post-Program Placement measures the proportion of students who are employed, in an apprenticeship, join the military, or are enrolled in postsecondary education or advanced training in the six months after leaving school. This grade measures the proportion of career- technical education concentrators who graduate from high school within 4 years. Dual Enrollment measures the proportion of career-technical education students earning credit in courses that qualify for postsecondary credit, including AP, IB, PSEO, and CTE courses offering articulated college credit. Industry Credentials measures the proportion of students earning industry credentials or certificates before they leave high school, or in the first six months after leaving school. Course of StudyCTE 26WebXamIndustry CredentialCollege Credit Technical 2013 Grads2014 Grads 2015 Grads Skill Attainment - Average ACT2012 ( # Tested) 2013 ( # Tested )2014 ( # Tested) Composite Score- students 2013 Grads2014 Grads2015 Graduated in 4 years %% Post-Program Placement-%% 2014 Follow-Up Survey Data (# of Concentrators – #) StatusPost MilitaryRelated Apprenticeship KnownSecondaryEmployment %%% Name of Credential %% students College Credit-%% “ ” Indicates current district report card data Your School Logo Here Change to School Colors
Future Planning Short Cycle Formative Assessments Academic Courses Create data files and Report Cards for Adult Education Programs Create a file to explain where all data is collected so if you pass this responsibility on it can be a smooth transition
The End Dave Mangas School Improvement Coordinator 150 Price Rd Newark, OH