Multilateral co-operation – experience of the Salzburg Forum Expert Group meeting established to support the enforcement of road safety related traffic offences and Workshop on facilitating cross-border enforcement of sanctions for road safety related traffic offences Paris, 11 December 2015
The Salzburg Forum a Central European platform for multilateral dialogue and cooperation on issues of internal security based on an Austrian initiative taken in 2000 AT, BG, HR, CZ, HU, PL, RO, SK, SI - Strengthening operational cooperation in Central Europe - Joint lobbying for EU policy-making - Implementation of a joint external strategy
„History” of the SF CBE Agreement cca : growing demand by practitioners to enforce traffic fines towards foreign citizens/vehicles 2008: COM initiative: CBE Directive 2011: adoption of the CBE Directive (2011/82/EU) 2011: AT-HU bilateral initiative to bridge the gap between information exchange and actual enforcement
„History” of the SF CBE Agreement- cont. First draft: end of Possibility offered to all SF MS: BG and HR join. Signing: 12 October 2012, Mátraháza (HU) : agreement to task EUCARIS, drafting of the ATIA, common understanding on basic technical features (s-TESTA, XML, datasets…), managing the situation after CJEU judgement of 6 May May 2015: signing of the ATIA + DoE in Sankt Pölten (AT)
State of play SF CBE Agreement ratified by BG, HR, HU, ATIA ratified by HU Money allocated under the DoE ( €/MS) EUCARIS presented the outline of the project to go live on 1 January 2017 Datasets and XML specification under finalisation MS to adapt their national systems
Features Complementary to CBE Directive (2015/413) 8 offences (+1), information exchange and information letter under the Directive Scope: follow up procedures - identification of the driver - provision of the address of a person - sending and service of documents - cross-border execution of decisions
Cross-border execution Based on FD 2005/214/JHA, but… All kinds of fines for the 8+1 offences (not only criminal cases) Electronic transmission Threshold: 50 EUR instead of 70 EUR XML substitutes the certificate Copy of the original decision: recommended but not compulsory Translation not needed by default
Outlook Open for accession for all EU MS, EEA countries and CH COM to take it into account during the evaluation of the CBE Directive If successful: may be an example for a pan- European solution
Thank you for your attention! Péter STAUBER Head of Department Ministry of Interior of Hungary