INTERNET AND PROTOCOLS For more notes and topics visit:
INTERNET It is a network of networks (LAN/ MAN/ WAN) Consists of millions of private and public, academic, business, and government networks of local to global scope Linked by copper wires, fiber-optic cables, wireless connections, and other technologies.
NETWORK A set of nodes, points, or locations connected by means of data, voice, and video communications for the purpose of exchange.
ADVANTAGES Information Storehouse. Resource Sharing. Global Access. Cost Effective. 24 Hours a day-7 days a week. Entertainment.
DISADVANTAGES Theft Of Personal Information. Internet Misuse. Virus Threat. Spamming And Unsolicited s. Internet Addiction.
TERMINOLOGIES USED IN INTERNET Web Server. Web Browser. Protocols.
WEB BROWSER A web browser is the program being used to access the World Wide Web. It is used for retrieving, presenting and traversing information on World Wide Web. Example: Internet Explorer Mozilla Firefox Google Chrome Netscape Navigator
WEB SERVER A computer program that serves the requested files and sends web pages to the client's browser. It can be hardware or the software that helps to deliver web content that can be accessed through the Internet.
PROTOCOLS It is a set of rules that govern the communication between the devices. Both sender and receiver follow same protocols to communicate with each other on the network.
PROTOCOLS TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) IP (Internet Protocol) UDP (User Datagram Protocol) HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) FTP (File Transfer Protocol) SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) POP (Post Office Protocol)
INTERNET PROTOCOL It is network layer protocol. Provides the method of distributing data in packets. Distribute packets to a destination via different routes. Handle congestion.
IP Services IP supports the following services: one-to-one (Unicast) one-to-all (Broadcast) one-to-several (Multicast) unicast broadcast multicast
TRANSMISSION CONTROL PROTOCOL It is transport layer protocol. Provides reliable end-to-end communications. Deliver the byte stream from source to destination without any error. Divide the byte stream into small parts. Perform flow control.
USER DATAGRAM PROTOCOL It is transport layer protocol. Used for those applications that require prompt delivery. Does not offer flow control and error control. Provide Unreliable connectionless services.
HYPERTEXT TRANSFER PROTOCOL It is an application layer protocol. Used for fetching web pages on World Wide Web. HTTP transaction between the client and server consist of request and response.
FILE TRANSFER PROTOCOL It is an application layer protocol. Used for transfer of file from one system to another. Uses client/server model for communication. Does not actually transfer a file rather copies it.
SIMPLE MAIL TRANSFER PROTOCOL It is simple ASCII protocol. Based on client/server model. Used for the transfer of mail message and attachments.
POST OFFICE PROTOCOL Message access protocol. Enables the client to fetch an from the remote mail server. Virtually all modern clients and servers support both. Most webmail service providers such as Google Mail, Microsoft Mail and Yahoo Mail provide both an IMAP and POP3 service.