What is Modernism? It describes a series of reforming cultural movements in art, music and literature It developed during the first three decades of the XX century The movement is rooted in the changes in the Western society It is a trend of thought that affirms the power of the human being to create, improve, and reshape the environment.
A new way for the human being Modernism wants to find new ways of expression as a response to the new situation of man he has lost his/her faith in traditional believes. Tradition had not secured him/her a point of reference. Now the individual has to find essence of life within himself/herself.
The influences A. Einstein: General Theory of Relativity H. Bergson and W. James: rejected conventional ideas of time present as a summary of memories S. Freud: irrational part of the human being, the unconscious C. Jung: brings to surface the inner workings of the mind
Modernism and Victorian Age Modernism considers the principles Victorian Age on literature, unable to answer the individual questions.
Literature: exponents Thomas Stearn Eliot Virginia Woolf James Joyce D. H. Lawrence Ezra Pound Frank Kafka Marcel Proust
Main literary techniques Interior Monologue Stream of Consciousness Eclipse of the narrator Intertextuality The objective correlative The mythical method The point of view was shifting from external narrator to the mind of characters
Thomas Stearn Eliot T. S. Eliot most representative figure of modernist poetry. His seminal work: The Waste Land. He mixed French Symbolism and appreciated Metaphysical poetry Made use of the “objective correlative” = a set of objects, a situation, a chain of events which create the formula of a particular emotion did not approve of the Romantic subjective voice of the poet.
James Joyce J. Joyce = major exponent of Modernist Fiction. the most innovative and experimental writer of the century. Most important work = Ulysses. Ulysses adopted the mythical method (he adopted Odyssey’s structure in XX century) and the main techniques of narration like the stream of Conciousness (Molly’s monologue) and epiphany
Virginia Woolf Virginia Woolf was an English novelist and essayist regarded as one of the foremost modernist literary figures of the twentieth century. A significant figure in London literary society member of the Bloomsbury Group Works Mrs Dalloway (1925), To the Lighthouse (1927), Orlando (1928), A Room of One's Own (1929) famous dictum, "a woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction."
THE END Thanks for your attention