SLIC European inspection and communication campaign M anual Handling of Loads 2007 ‘Lighten the Load’ 26 February 2008 Mrs. Inge Jonker, MSc
SLIC Manual Handling Campaign EU labour inspector puts risks on manual handling of loads in transport and care on the agenda!
SLIC Manual Handling Campaign Today I will tell you about… The background of this joint European inspection and communication campaign The goals and the campaign materials The first results Some Good Practices our inspectors encountered What still is to be done in the future
SLIC Manual Handling Campaign Background SLIC inspection & communication campaign 2004: Questionnaire to all EU labour inspectorates About rolls and obstacles in ensuring compliance with the directive Manual Handling of Loads 90/269 Encountered international competitive distortion as a result of inspections in transport
SLIC Manual Handling Campaign Obstacles in ensuring compliance Attitude and lack of knowledge in companies Directive manual handling of loads is not concrete enough Lack of uniform assessment method for the risks of manual handling Lack of (knowledge about) solutions on manual handling, in companies and with inspectors
SLIC Manual Handling Campaign Therefore a EU/ SLIC campaign. Our campaign goals: Better compliance in the EU with EU Directive 90/269/EEC “Manual Handling of Loads” in order to reduce musculo ‑ skeletal disorders in labour Improving the inspection and communication methods of the national labour inspectorates Greater harmony in the enforcement of the manual handling of loads throughout the EU Cooperation with OSHA’s MSD campaign 2007 to support each other: Lighten the Load
MHL problems in transport and care
SLIC Manual Handling Campaign SLIC Inspection & communication campaign on Manual Handling of Loads In 2007 in Transport and Care A internationally and socially relevant sector With high MSD problems Aim at airports, harbours, hospitals, elderly homes, mentally/ physically handicapped homes Tools: assessment guideline, brochures, e- learning, campaign guide 1561 EU labour inspectors were trained on inspecting manual handling of loads situations
General brochure Care Transport
SLIC Manual Handling Campaign First results in Transport In 23 countries, 881 inspectors inspected: 27% of all harbours in these countries 42% of the airports In total 2365 companies inspected on: Risk assessment on mhl situations Preventive measures taken to avoid baggage handling and stevedoring manually Intervention in 1916 companies (like verbal and written warnings, administrative fines, cessation of work and legal prosecution)
SLIC Manual Handling Campaign First results in Care In 21 countries, 2217 inspectors inspected: 22% of all hospitals in these countries 35% of the elderly homes 16% of the homes for mentally/ physically handicapped persons In total 3042 companies inspected on: Risk assessment on mhl situations Preventive measures in patient handling Preventive measures in facility services (catering, laundry) Intervention in 2531 companies
SLIC Manual Handling Campaign Good practices encountered
SLIC Manual Handling Campaign But: still a lot of work to be done Companies risk awareness and - knowledge is not always high enough Risk assessment is not common yet In the care a lot of building/ construction matters make use of aids difficult The manual handling risks at facility services in care are not always recognized; focus at patient handling Cross border problemacy: countries are confront Ted with the health un-awareness in transport of other countries (also outside EU)
SLIC Manual Handling Campaign In 2008: The evaluation report of the 2007 campaign is finished The campaign is continued in the construction and retail sector So ongoing attention for this still widespread health and safety risk
SLIC Manual Handling Campaign And last but not least: SLIC and OSHA The cooperation between SLIC and OSHA was a success; we supported each other in many ways Therefore we would like to thank OSHA!
Thanks for your attention!