Results of the Dark Matter Sun analysis with data (Official Plots) Guillaume Lambard IFIC (Valencia, Spain) 06/06/2012
Official plots Unblinding results I Data versus estimated background (derivative) BBFit reconstructed data && estimated background (from the scrambled data) && Feldman- Cousins statistical approach
06/06/2012Official plots Unblinding results I Data versus estimated background (derivative) BBFit reconstructed data && estimated background (from the scrambled data) && Feldman- Cousins statistical approach
06/06/2012Official plots Unblinding results II Neutrino + anti-neutrino flux limit from ANTARES Effective area to be estimated for different sets (Q,cone)
06/06/2012Official plots Unblinding results II Neutrino + anti-neutrino flux limit from ANTARES Optimum cone angles around the Sun
06/06/2012Official plots Unblinding results II Neutrino + anti-neutrino flux limit from ANTARES Neutrino + anti-neutrino flux limit ANTARES
06/06/2012Official plots Unblinding results III Muons flux limit from ANTARES Muon flux limit for ANTARES in the CMSSM framework
06/06/2012Official plots Unblinding results III Muons flux limit from ANTARES Muon flux limit for ANTARES in the mUED framework
06/06/2012Official plots Unblinding results IV Cross-section limits from ANTARES Spin-dependent cross-section limit for ANTARES in CMSSM Compare SUSY predictions to observables as sparticles masses, collider observables, dark matter relic density, direct detection cross-sections, … SuperBayes (arXiv: ) E μ >1 GeV
06/06/2012Official plots Unblinding results IV Cross-section limits from ANTARES Spin-independent cross-section limit for ANTARES in CMSSM Compare SUSY predictions to observables as sparticles masses, collider observables, dark matter relic density, direct detection cross-sections, … SuperBayes (arXiv: ) E μ >1 GeV
06/06/2012Official plots Unblinding results IV Cross-section limits from ANTARES Spin-dependent cross-section limit for ANTARES in mUED Compare mUED predictions to observables as KK masses, collider observables, relic density, direct detection cross- sections, … SuperBayes modified version (Physical Review D 83, (2011)) E μ >1 GeV