I am Lindy and we are here to do geography Not that good an impression, but close-ish) Hi I am Lindy and we are here to do geography
Every week .. You will get an email the day before, telling what you need to do. It will usually contain a classwork sheet to print off for the next day The PowerPoint and the homework will be in 2 places – in the school library and also in our wiki at http://ysgol-rhyngrwyd.wikispaces.com/ Homework is due in by 5pm on Friday. It is best to put it in the homework folder. But sometimes, if there are a lot of pictures in it, it will not upload. Then you need to email it to me. If you need any extra help or you need an extension, just let me know and I am sure we can sort something out. But expect to be nagged if it is late and you have not let me know!
Our wiki http://ysgol-rhyngrwyd.wikispaces.com/ It is called: Ysgol Rhyngrwyd KS3 Geography I will put copies of all the documents we use But there will be other things in the wiki too – links to quizzes and games – links to interesting stuff for you to look at. There is also a blog at http://lindym.wordpress.com/ Called Coach House Geography – the front page is a regular blog, but there is a Year 7/8 page for stuff that only you need
What we will be doing The year will be divided up into 7 units and each year group will develop these unit more each time! Unit 1: Intro (very short): Introduction and maps. Unit 2: Environmental conditions: Weather, climate and ecosystems Unit 3: The Human Situation: Settlement, population and development Unit 4: Changing Earth: About what the earth is made of, volcanoes, earth quakes and how water sculpts the landscape Unit 5: Working World: About the jobs people do, International companies, aid and Fairtrade Unit 6: What are we doing to our World? The rain forests, climate change, energy sources Unit 7: Is it sustainable? A chance to look at the current news to see what is changing and what needs to change, linking to what has been leant over the year – maybe revise a little!
So for the next 2 weeks, we will be looking at Unit 1 Unit 1: Lesson 1: What is geography? Unit 1: Lesson 2: Where in the world is…?
What is Geography? In WORD type 3 things that you think Geography is about With your partner use the private text to share your ideas Decide which are the 3 best you have Head it From X and Y: Our 3 ideas are …(you can paste from your private text your 3 best)
Geography is the study of the Earth’s landscapes, peoples, places and environments. It is, quite simply, about the world in which we live.
There are 3 Types of Geography
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY Imagine a world without humans. What would it be like? Think of as many things as you can. There would still be …….
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY A world without humans would still have life, it would still change shape, natural forces would still work, like . . . Volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, storms, floods Rivers, oceans, glaciers Soil, water, air Plants, animals, vegetation
HUMAN GEOGRAPHY Humans have an enormous effect on earth. What are our main activities? How many can you think of?
HUMAN GEOGRAPHY Our main activities are: Settlements and Building Transport Different types of work Farming Creating energy
ENVIRONMENTAL GEOGRAPHY Earth is a precious, delicate place – all activities have an effect on the environment in good ways and bad. How many can you think of for each? Bad – Good –
ENVIRONMENTAL GEOGRAPHY Here are some ways in which humans affect the environment: Bad – pollution of power stations, cars, household rubbish, chemicals in the ground and water, sewage into the sea, waste, intensive (crowded) farming, over hunting, poaching, global warming, more??? Good – conservation, animal welfare, walk, bike, recycling, reducing, re-using, more???
Now follow this link http://classtools.net/my/dustbin78792types_of_geography.htm It is on the wiki if you want to look at it later
How you use Geography You already use Geography without knowing it. Here are some headings: Holidays Getting dressed Shopping Think about physical geography, human geography and environmental geography How do you use Geography for these activities?
In Geography we ask questions Where are the places? What are they like? Why is that happening? When did it/will it happen? Who is doing what? Who is being affected? How is that happening? And we try to answer them . . .
Where ? What ? When ? Why ? Who ? How ?
Where ? What ? When ? Why ? Who ? How ?
Where ? What ? When ? Why ? Who ? How ?
Got your worksheet? This where you need it!
Look at the map Llandudno is the name of the town shown on the map. Can you describe the location of Llandudno? Which one are you? A: Limited knowledge of U.K. geography. Limited use of geographical language. B: Shows a sound knowledge of U.K. geography. Use of geographical language.
Here are 2 pictures of Llandudno How many geographical questions can you think of? [Where ?What ? When ? Why ? Who ? How ?] Which one are you? A: Can think of 2 or 3 questions; B: More than 3?
Here are 2 pictures of Llandudno Which one are you? A: Can think of 1 or 2 features; B: More than 2? What physical features could you label? [ A world without humans] What human features could you label? [ What is the evidence that man is here?]