Source Mastering UML with Rational Rose 2002 Information System Engineering Introduction to UML.


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Presentation transcript:

Source Mastering UML with Rational Rose 2002 Information System Engineering Introduction to UML

Source Mastering UML with Rational Rose 2002 Introduction NOW, Systems must be developed in "Internet time." This faster pace has increased the need for flexible systems. System changes must happen fast This is where the Unified Modelling Language (UML) enters the picture. UML is the industry standard modelling notation for object oriented systems, and is the premiere platform for rapid application development

Source Mastering UML with Rational Rose 2002 Introduction to Object Oriented With object oriented programming, developers create blocks of code, called objects. These objects are then used by the various applications. Should one of the objects require modification, a developer needs to make the change only once

Source Mastering UML with Rational Rose 2002 Object Oriented Advantages One of the primary advantages of the object oriented paradigm is the ability to build components once and then use them over and over again (Reusability) The benefit of flexibility can be realized only by designing an object oriented system well. This requires knowledge of some principles of object orientation: Encapsulation Inheritance Polymorphism

Source Mastering UML with Rational Rose 2002 Object Oriented Advantages cont. Encapsulation means combining a piece of information with the specific behaviour that acts upon that information, then packaging these into an object. Another way to look at encapsulation is that we divide the application into small parts of related functionality The benefit of encapsulation is that it limits the effects of changes to the system Example: Bank Account Object

Source Mastering UML with Rational Rose 2002 Object Oriented Advantages cont. Inheritance is a mechanism that lets you create new objects based on old ones One of the major benefits of inheritance is ease of maintenance. When something changes that affects all child objects, only the parent object needs to change—the child objects will automatically inherit the changes Example: Mammals

Source Mastering UML with Rational Rose 2002 Object Oriented Advantages cont. Polymorphism means having many forms or implementations of a particular functionality Example: Graphic drawing system

Source Mastering UML with Rational Rose 2002 System Development Life Cycle Requirements Collection Requirements Analysis System Design System Development System Testing System Deployment System Maintenance

Source Mastering UML with Rational Rose 2002 System Modeling – How? A model helps you plan a system before you build it Take the business needs of the users Map them into requirements that your team can use and understand Take these requirements and generate code from them By mapping the requirements to the code, you can ensure that the requirements are actually met by the code, and that the code can easily be traced back to the requirements Business Needs RequirementsModelCode

Source Mastering UML with Rational Rose 2002 Visual Modeling is the process of taking the information from the model and displaying it graphically using a standard set of graphical elements A standard is vital to realizing one of the benefits of visual modeling: communication Communication between users, developers, analysts, testers, managers, and anyone else involved with a project

Source Mastering UML with Rational Rose 2002 Visual Modeling – What can we Model? How the system works on several levels The interactions between the users and a system The interactions of objects within a system The interactions between systems

Source Mastering UML with Rational Rose 2002 UML - Unified Modeling Language UML DIAGRAMS Business Use Case diagram Use Case diagram Activity diagram Sequence diagram Collaboration diagram Class diagram Statechart diagram Component diagram Deployment diagram These model diagrams illustrate different aspects of the system

Source Mastering UML with Rational Rose 2002 Rational Rose Rational Rose is a visual modeling tool to aid in the analysis and design of object oriented software systems It is used to model the system before any code is written Rational Rose will help developers by generating code (C++, Ada, CORBA, Java, COM objects, Visual Basic, XML) Rose can reverse engineer code and create a model based on an existing system When a change occurs to the model, Rose can modify the code to incorporate the change

Source Mastering UML with Rational Rose 2002 Rational Rose – Different Versions Rose Modeler, which allows you to create a model for your system, but will not support code generation or reverse engineering Rose Professional, which allows you to generate code in one language Rose Enterprise, which allows you to generate code for the different languages we previously mentioned. A model can have components that are generated in different languages.Net Tdx, allows the generation of code to the.Net framework