Phonetic Alphabet
Why use Phonetic -The alphabet is used to spell out parts of a message containing letters and numbers to avoid confusion. -Many letters sound similar, for instance, ‘n’ and ‘m’ or ‘b’ and ‘d’. -The potential for confusion increases if static or other interference is present.
-The message ‘proceed to map grid DH98’ could be transmitted as ‘proceed to map grid Delta-Hotel- Niner-Ait’. -Using ‘Delta’ instead of ‘D’ avoids confusion between ‘BH98’ and ‘DH98’. -The unusual pronunciation of certain numbers was designed to reduce confusion. Why use Phonetic
ALPHA Morse CodeFlagSemaphore
BRAVO Morse CodeFlagSemaphore
CHARLIE Morse CodeFlagSemaphore
DELTA Morse CodeFlagSemaphore
ECHO Morse CodeFlagSemaphore
FOXTROT Morse CodeFlagSemaphore
GOLF Morse CodeFlagSemaphore
HOTEL Morse CodeFlagSemaphore
INDIA Morse CodeFlagSemaphore
JULIET Morse CodeFlagSemaphore
KILO Morse CodeFlagSemaphore
LIMA Morse CodeFlagSemaphore
MIKE Morse CodeFlagSemaphore
NOVEMBER Morse CodeFlagSemaphore
OSCAR Morse CodeFlagSemaphore
PAPA Morse CodeFlagSemaphore
QUEBEC Morse CodeFlagSemaphore
ROMEO Morse CodeFlagSemaphore
SIERRA Morse CodeFlagSemaphore
TANGO Morse CodeFlagSemaphore
UNIFORM Morse CodeFlagSemaphore
VICTOR Morse CodeFlagSemaphore
WHISKY Morse CodeFlagSemaphore
X-RAY Morse CodeFlagSemaphore
YANKEE Morse CodeFlagSemaphore
ZULU Morse CodeFlagSemaphore
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