Year 5 Mental Maths Facts Quiz Intermediate Level
How many seconds in a two and a half minutes? 150 seconds
How many weeks in a year and a half? 78 weeks
How many days are there in May, June and July together? 92 days
What is 22:14 in 12 hour (analogue) time? 10.14pm
What is midnight in 24 hour (digital ) time? 00:00
Name this angle reflex
Name this triangle Equilateral triangle
What is the size of the missing angle? 63 ?21 96
What is the size of the missing angle? 32 ? 58
What is a 1 as a decimal? 5 0.2
What is 3 as a percentage? 4 75%
What is 0.03 as a fraction? 3 100
What is 35% as a decimal? 0.35
What is 0.7 as a fraction? 7 10
Which of the following numbers are prime? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 2, 3, 5, 7
What is 7 ? 49 2
What is the square root of 36? 6
What is the perimeter of this rectangle? 40 cm 7cm 13cm
What is the area of this rectangle? 91 cm 7cm 13cm 2
Convert 3.5 kilograms to grams. 3500g
Convert 230 millimetres to centimetres. 23 cm
What’s a ¾ of a litre in millilitres? 750 ml
What’s 0.6 of a kilometre in metres? 600m
0.3 + ? = 1 0.7
? =
How many faces does a square based pyramid have? 5
What is this shape called? hemisphere
What is this shape called? Quadrilateral
How many vertices does a tetrahedron have? 4
What number does this Roman Numeral represent IX ? 9
What number does this Roman Numeral represent XC ? 90
What number does this Roman Numeral represent D ? 500