Julianna Ferrari
Ultra light motorbike concept. Save both your money and energy. Two electric motors are integrated between front and rear swing arms designed modularly. Motors transmit the power in a counter-rotor way directly to the rims and during speed reduction the energy is regained. Energy for driving can be stored directly to the frame, due to carbon fibers. Storage is loaded during the waiting time at traffic lights or in parking places. Board devices such as a tachometer and lighting are powered by the frame structure itself by using carbon fiber’s electrical conductivity. Allows the replacement of less ecological materials with better ones.
Longer, slimmer wings that reduce drag and save fuel. Lightweight materials. More passenger space. Double-door entrances for faster access. Electrical systems that self schedule what little maintenance they need. Engines, which Airbus said could be put at the rear of the plane (reducing noise), semi-embedded (increasing efficiency) “because advances will have reached such a level that engine reliability will diminish the need for easy access” and nestled inside of a U-shaped tail that shields noise.
"Airbus Concept Plane focuses on fuel savings, comfort - Blogs - AMEVoice." AMEVoice - The Aviation Forum: Aviation community and info for Aircraft maintenance engineers, Pilots and aviation enthusiasts.Primarily designed to help pass the European EASA aviation licenses and DGCA licenses exam, and Pilot Exam PPL, CPL, ATPL.. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Nov "Eco Transportation: Chiron – Efficient job with minimum ecological damage." Ecofriend - Promoting eco friendly lifestyle to save the environment. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Nov