Why take notes? If you do not write it down: 42% forgotten after 20 minutes 56% forgotten after 1 hour 66% forgotten after 1 day 75% forgotten after 1 week 80% forgotten after 1 month
What you will most likely do : Write everything down Write down very little of the important stuff Write complete sentences Wrtie way too much Not write enough Copy word for word Get frustrated What I want you to do: Find the main ideas Focus on important details Use key words and phrases Break down the large ideas Write only enough to get the idea across Take concise, complete notes.
Your notes should be a work in progress. You should add information as you study or read Verbatim is the WORST!! Use them as a study guide More you take correctly, the better.
Cornell Notes As soon as a lecture is over, review and note in the left margin: Questions Why or how Comapre/contrast What is the function of… What is the effect of…. What is…. What year did… Who is…. Notes during the lecture: Write constantly- Keeps your brain form wondering Bullet points Key words and phrases Symbols/abbreviations 1 fact per line Spread out notes & fill in later Paraphrase when possible. Summary: Big ideas in your own words. Key ideas, vocab, examples. Helps determine which areas you should focus studying on. Brings ideas into proper context.
Bad: The Renaissance started in 1300 because of a war and the black plague. People had more money and started to focus on the arts. People like the Medici dictated in Italy. Famous artists had more time to be famous. They made people look like people in art. Michelangelo, Raphael, and that other guy. Good: War & plague Less people = more wage demand Patrons Medici= powerful family Florence Artist Michelangelo Raphael