CS 395: Adv. Computer Graphics This is NPR: Non-Photorealistic Rendering Jack Tumblin jet@cs.northwestern.edu
Big Ideas in NPR What is the goal of computer graphics? ‘A perfect simulation of light transport’? No... ‘The best picture for every task’ ? Drawings, illustrations, paintings... Fine Art All Great Pictures Optical Images (photos, etc.)
Big Ideas in NPR What can artists offer us? Can we help them? Imitation (theft): Simulate existing artistic media paint, charcoal, pencil, watercolor, marble, Imitation (theft): Simulate artistic conventions ‘learn to draw’ books machine learning on works of art analysis of working artists What can we learn from the human visual system?
Simulated Watercolor (1997) Simulate paper, water, fluid diffusion/soaking, drying,... “Computer Generated Watercolor” Curtis,Anderson, Seims, Fleischer,Salesin SIGGRAPH`97
Simulated Watercolor Faster: blots/splats...
Pen-And-Ink: Winkenbach et al 1994+
Pencil Simulation: Sousa 2000 Sousa, M. C. and Buchanan, J. W. Observational Model of Graphite Pencil Materials. Computer Graphics Forum, 19(1):27--49, 2000.
Oil Painting Simulation .
‘Toon’ Shaders Long history; Levoy’77, ...
NPR Quake Shaders (real time) .
3D-Guided, Semantic NPR Kowalski et al, “Art-Based Rendering” SIGGRAPH`99
Artistic Styles: Herzmann2000 Machine learning, Image analogies, etc....
Artistic Styles: Herzmann2000 Machine learning, Image analogies, etc....
More NPR Resources Great on-line surveys / tutorials: Craig Reynolds http://www.red3d.com/cwr/npr/ Great Book: “Non-Photorealistic Rendering” (2001) Bruce Gooch and Amy Gooch, AK Peters Great Conference: ACM NPAR: Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering Great Online Demos: Google finds most of them... Great Papers: http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/cs