Operations Activity Doug Olson, LBNL Co-chair OSG Operations OSG Council Meeting 3 May 2005, Madison, WI.


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Presentation transcript:

Operations Activity Doug Olson, LBNL Co-chair OSG Operations OSG Council Meeting 3 May 2005, Madison, WI

3 May 2005D. Olson, Operations, OSG Council Mtg2 Guidance Doug Pearson, IU, Doug Olson, LBNL –co-chairs operations Leigh Grundhoefer, IU, Dane Skow, FNAL –co-chairs provisioning Support Centers Technical Group –Steering for operations –Forum for VO & other support center management

3 May 2005D. Olson, Operations, OSG Council Mtg3 Operations - Principles & Scope Principles –Support of users and the VOs’ workload is the responsibility of the VOs. –Users may interact with identity service providers independent of any particular VO. –Participants in OSG operations (VOs, resource, site and service providers) identify their support responsibilities in agreements. Scope of operational infrastructure –Provisioning, distribution, and configuration management services. –Publish accounting and monitoring information. –Provide proactive communication channels for incident response, notification of certificate expiry, fault handling, etc. –Provide support services that include problem tracking (ticket systems), routing and management.

3 May 2005D. Olson, Operations, OSG Council Mtg4 Operations Logical Model From OSG Operations Model, OSG Doc. 47 All grid components have an associated support mechanism.

3 May 2005D. Olson, Operations, OSG Council Mtg5 Operations Model - Implementation OSG-Doc 47 Organizations providing support of grid components are called Support Centers. The specific scope of functions and components supported is identified in a Support Center Agreement. Currently working through registration and agreement process with VDT FNAL USCMS STAR LBNL DRM iGOC/IU to get process & issues worked out.

3 May 2005D. Olson, Operations, OSG Council Mtg6 Trouble Ticket System A testing version derived with some changes from Grid3 is now being used for OSG-ITB. A production version for OSG will be deployed on May 16. Expect most support centers will have accounts. Tickets can be (re)assigned to various support centers.

3 May 2005D. Olson, Operations, OSG Council Mtg7 Communications Mechanisms Grid3 Operations phone meeting (Monday) is now combined Grid3/OSG. lists & aliases defined & most exist Security lists & aliases

3 May 2005D. Olson, Operations, OSG Council Mtg8 Status Infrastructure allowing support centers to work together exists Educating all the necessary support providers is in progress Ensuring that all necessary grid-wide services have support providers is not complete, but probably a low risk Accurate & reliable accounting is not there yet