Early Intervention Services The goal of Intervention is to provide YOU with the knowledge, skills and support to meet the needs of your child We recognise the importance of working in partnership with the family. Source: DEECD EI REFORM PAPER 2010
What do Early Childhood Intervention Services provide? The range of specialist services includes: Information and advice that addresses the individual needs of the child and family Supporting families to help their child’s development Linking families to services and providing access and coordination of services such as respite Education and developmental programs Additional support to improve access and participation in kindergarten and child care services Assisting with the move to school Parent support Flexible Support Packages to ease some of the additional pressures on parents of children with disabilities and/or developmental delays who have high support needs
MEET THE TEAM Board of Management General Manager Program Manager Reception/Administration Key Worker Team Speech Pathologists Occupational Therapists Specialist Teachers Physiotherapist Psychologist *Support Staff Hydrotherapy Teachers Program Assistants Social Work Dietician Psychologist
KEY WORKER Your allocated Key Worker is your PRIMARY CONTACT. We work in TAK teams together to support you and your child. This is known as the Team Around the Key Worker. Clinicians form TAK groups and meet regularly to case conference and discuss goals to be addressed and their implementation.
Family Service and Support Plan This is your plan and you will sign off on goals Clear, measurable goals that are monitored over 6 month periods. FSSP goals are reviewed regularly by your Key Worker and goals can change at anytime. FSSP goals are formally reviewed every 6 months These are reviewed by management regularly
Service Delivery Model Kalparrin will provide on the ground, one or some of the following services based on the goals set by you and your Key worker: * Parent Education Sessions and Series. Attendance is critical to you being able to advocate and support your child fully Intervention and support in your child’s community setting such as Child Care or Preschool Home based intervention Individual Therapy/Teaching Evidence based groups i.e. Hanen; Mother Goose, Sign Posts Comprehensive school transition support for all children going to primary school
Direct Service Face to Face & Phone contact and intervention. Child Care/Kinder Visits Skills groups Consultations Assessments Parent Education
Indirect Service Progress Notes IRIS Collection Report writing Consultation within the team and externally (paeds, private services) Case Conferences Team Planning/Planning Preparation of resources Funding Support
Staff Training and Development A leadership structure is in place to support and provide supervision for the team- this is over seen by the Program Manager. We are committed to our staff and their professional development. Kalparrin provides regular training for all their staff to ensure the families are receiving current best practice service.
Additional Services Include: Psychological Services My Time HCWA Better Start Social Work Dietician Additional Services
Fee Based Service Kalparrin is a Fees based service Fees are required to be paid by all families attending Kalparrin. Monies received from fees pay for resources; ongoing professional training of staff; additional services.
Feedback We welcome feedback at all levels of the organisation If something is not working for you and you families we would like to hear about it This is a partnership and we work at our best we can do this together