Applications Manager Web Transaction Monitoring
Agenda APM Insight Benefits Apdex Scores APM Insight Architecture Agent Deployment Agent Configuration Options
Apdex Score Measure User Satisfaction With Apdex Score
Ensure true visibility and insight into your applications
Identify which J2EE or Java component is responsible for the performance bottleneck
Identify which SQL Query slows down your web application
Apdex Score A Simple index based on the Web Application responsiveness. The Apdex score is measured on a scale of 0 to 1.
APM Insight Architecture Agent based. Byte code instrumentation Minimal overhead
Java Agent Deployment Download Agent Modify Application Server Startup files to configure agent -javaagent:" /apminsight-javaagent.jar"
Agent Deployment.. Tomcat JBoss WebLogic WebSphere Others Microsoft.Net Ruby
Agent Configuration apm.port apdex.threshold transaction.trace.threshold
Synthetic Transactions HTTP URL Monitor HTTP URL Sequence Monitor Real Browser Monitor