November 1, 2011 Regional Technical Forum
RTF CHARTER RTF BYLAWS -Establishes RTF as advisory committee to the Council -Details RTF’s purpose and scope of activity -Describes appointment of RTF members and officers -Explains RTF voting requirements -Commits RTF to development of annual workplan, multi-year business plan and budget recommendations -High-level document -Documents RTF processes and procedures -Provides consistency and transparency in RTF operations -Establishes Council’s and PAC’s role in approval of RTF workplan, business plan and budget recommendations -Recognizes role of regional funders
Original RTF Charter adopted in 1999 Revised charter o Updates scope of RTF activity to reflect regional expectations o Established number of voting members at o Requires quorum for voting o Ties RTF funding recommendation to workplan and business plan o Requires Council approval of workplans and business plans o Requires Council approval of RTF bylaws o Recognizes regional funders specifically as well as need for continuing Council staff support o Revised charter does not enlarge scope of RTF’s existing authority or primary objectives, alter who appoints RTF members or alter the voting requirements for making a Council recommendation.
Appointment process for voting and non-voting members Meeting mechanics 3 year terms for officers (same as members) Subcommittees – membership and authority Details on development of workplan, budget and funding recommendations Reporting out/communications – annual report tracking workplan progress and expenditures, quarterly reports, RTF website
PAC recommendations to Council at December 6-7 Council meeting RTF recommendations to Council at December 6-7 Council meeting Depending on feedback received from RTF and RTF PAC, potential Council adoption of charter and bylaws at January 10-11, 2012 Council meeting.