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Population Density MigrationRandom 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points Population Structure Where and Why
Pattern showing where people live.
What is population distribution?
Canada’s core stretching from Quebec City to Windsor.
What is the Quebec-Windsor axis?
The inhabited area of the world.
What is Ecumene?
Within 200 km of the Canadian-U.S. border.
Where do most Canadian’s live?
Resources - jobs.
What is the major reason people choose to live where they do?
It is expressed as people/km 2.
What is population density?
Surprisingly P.E.I. tops this.
What is the most densely populated province?
P.E.I., Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Ontario.
What are the 4 most densely populated provinces? (>10)
Canada’s population distribution is not clearly described by this.
What is Canada’s overall population Density?
Ecozone density gives a better picture of this.
What is Canada’s population distribution?
? = Natural Increase + Net Migration
What is Net Growth (Pop. Growth)?
Cohort that has changed Canada the most.
Who are the “baby-boomers?” (born between in the post war boom)
A graph that shows the make-up of a population by age and gender.
What is a population pyramid?
This has fallen (with some ups and downs) since 1951.
What is Canada’s Growth Rate?
The way we are insuring that we have the tax base to support our aging population.
What is keeping our growth rate positive through immigration?
People entering Canada.
Who are Immigrants?
Reasons to leave a country (ex. war).
What are push factors?
Where all cultures are recognized and celebrated, given all rights and privileges.
What is a Multicultural society?
The great expansion of western Canada.
What was a major period of immigration in Canada ( ).
Less immigrants are coming from here recently.
What is the UK (or Europe)? (We are getting more immigrants from Asian countries instead.)
People are waiting longer to do this these days.
What is get married? (We have smaller families as a result.)
What is an expansive population pyramid?
Family, Business & Independent, and Refugees.
What are the three major types of immigrants? (Family, Business and Independent make up over 70%)
Considers education, training, experience, age, language ability etc.
What is the Canadian immigration point system? (>70)
So they aren’t sent home where they might be killed.
Why does Canada accept 50% of Refugee applicants?
Make your wager
Doubling time of a population who’s growth rate is 2.3%.
What is 30.4 years? (Remember the rule of 70: 70/2.3 = 30.4 years.)