Pass your paragraphs to the person sitting behind you. (back seat passes to the front seat) Read each topic sentence and underline the themes. Make sure they have NOT used a single word as a theme. Make sure they have worded the theme in a “leads to” statement. Make sure they have a theme in EACH topic sentence for EVERY paragraph. Tell them to “add theme” where needed. Also, make sure each topic sentence has the author (except Beowulf) and the title of the piece of literature! Punctuate the titles correctly!
Random pass to anyone in the room. Highlight each quote in each paragraph. Check that there are AT LEAST TWO QUOTES PER PARAGRAPH! Also, label the TCS of EACH quote. Make revision notes if they are missing this information or if quotes are NOT blended at all. Remember that TCS can appear in any order but must come BEFORE quote!
Pass to the person behind you (back comes to front). Check for at least two sentences of commentary AFTER each quote. Make notes as needed.
Random pass to anyone. Check that each paragraph ends with a concluding sentence that rephrases the topic sentence with theme. Make notes as needed.
Pass across the room. Pronoun search- skim the essay for “you” and “I”- if you find one, put a huge X over it.
Pass to the person behind you. Skim for any verbs that are in PAST tense (skip quotes– they don’t count). Circle any verbs that are not in present tense!
Random pass to anyone in the room. Read through the paragraphs and make any edits with grammar or sentence structure as needed. Remember that you can always circle something that does not sound correct, or simply write “awkward” in the margin.
For topic sentences with controlling idea (Regents question #26), draw a box around the controlling idea/ theme & make sure they use the words “controlling idea” in the topic sentence. For topic sentences with a specific literary devices (Regents question #27), draw a box around the device.
Give the portfolio back to the original person and look over the comments made.