Image Explosion Objective: Making a poem from another poem.
“I heard a fly buzz”I heard a fly buzz by Emily Dickinson
Text rendering Student read all the way through Backwards by line – one person Stand up - Choral read Call and response reading
Pointing – 1s, 2s and 3s Bracket three chunks of language from the poem that you are drawn to. [brackets] Rank the three in order of preference with 1’s being your favorite choice.
Spontaneous sharing No disclaimer rule Start with the 1’s; when it seems as if all the 1’s have been shared, start with the 2’s. Silence is no big deal. If more than one person starts, just wait and let one go. Do not discuss. Do not say anything about who should go at all. Do not apologize. Only the text from the poems should ring in the room. Absolutely NO other talking.
Noticing What do you notice from hearing the poem this way?
Writing Start a fresh page in your WNB. Label it AW# 13. Take a line, or half a line, and use it in writing a poem of your own. Use the exact words from the Dickinson poem. Sample: The poem I wrote this summer “The Birth of God”“The Birth of God” Shoot for 10 lines in 10 minutes. Please write quietly. Let others write. Public writing – you will be invited to share.
Sharing No disclaimer rule. 5-6 volunteers who will share their poems in a specific way. Volunteers come forward and stand. Take a minute to read over your poem and make sure you can read your own writing. I will read the original poem straight through one time. Now this time when I read, when I get to the end of the line you used, interrupt me and repeat your line; then share your entire poem from the beginning.