Joint Commissioning Ann Baxter – Corporate Director of Children, Education & Social Care Peter Seller – Assistant Director of Commissioning /Head of Children & Young People’s Strategy Ruth Hill – Assistant Director of Commissioning/Head of Adult Strategy
Our Commitment to Partnership working Highly performing LSP- Stockton Renaissance Commitment to the new Health and Well-Being Partnership Commitment to Better Health, Fairer Health- the regional Health and Well-Being Strategy for the North East 2 Beacon Awards for Health
Our Commitment to Partnership Working Jointly appointed posts with the PCT Integrated commissioning arrangements Maximise the benefit of external funding, eg NRF Embedded use of voluntary and community sector in the delivery of services Joint consultation arrangements Joint Plans/Strategies
Joined up Performance Management Key element of joined up working LAA and Vital Signs targets integrated based on robust baseline data (to be supported by Joint Strategic Needs Assessment) Joined up planning and reporting to ensure delivery Shared ownership of both enablers and obstacles Solution focused.
Approach Culture Principles Direction of travel Embedded Benefits
Our SWOT Analysis
Strengths Partnerships Culture Funding Integration Delivery Examples: LAA 5/7 posts joint ISAs Bids e.g. NRF/ National Pilots
Weaknesses Organisational Change Terms and Conditions Systems and structures External bodies/ Inspection regimes Examples: PCT reconfiguration Recruitment processes Delegated authority Proving it works
Opportunities Funding Strategic change JSNA LAA National Frameworks Examples: New Hospital/ Public Health focus Joint performance management World Class Commissioning /Personalisation
Threats National vs Local Provider services changes Timescales for delivery Examples: Commissioner/ Provider split Lead in times for change to health inequalities Mainstreaming
Your Strengths
Your Weaknesses
Your Opportunities
Your Threats