JetMET, Feb26 th 2003V. Daniel Elvira Geant4 at Fermilab Geant4 is a toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter. ( Collaboration of more than 100 physicists & computing professionals: CERN, SLAC,…, universities ) Fermilab fragmented, isolated although significant contributions to validation, support, development, usage No Continuity, no plan, little man-power Fermilab is not a G4 member (conditions: 2 FTE, development & maintenance of a piece of code) Geant4 suffering from birth & child behavior problems Little interest from the local users community Geant4 web page at Fermilab: Latest Geant4 version always available to users (ups/upd) Close relationship with Geant4 principals
JetMET, Feb26 th 2003V. Daniel Elvira HO HB eCal Beam Line HO 100 GeV pion CMS Hcal test beam simulation + OSCAR validation (V. Daniel Elvira -usage/support /validation) June 03 OSCAR librarian (H. Wenzel -support) Retired Miniboone Hcal test beam beam line (P. Spentzouris –usage/support) CDF geometry would inherit from G4 classes to allow use of the nice visualization tools (L. Sexton-K overlooking –usage/support) Abandoned BTeV test beam implementation, time performance test documented in two BTeV notes (J. Yarba, P. Lebrun, D. Morozov -usage/ validation/support) Migration from G3 postponed (time/physics performance)
JetMET, Feb26 th 2003V. Daniel Elvira Neutrino Source/Muon Collider/MICE Visualization Integration of the OpenInventor package to G4, driver (J.Kallenbach development/ support) Retired Beam Tools Coolling Cell OO design of a set of classes to model accelerator problems, source targeted by extensible ( D. Elvira, P. Lebrun, P.Spentzouris -development/usage/validation support) Time dependent electric fields added to Geant4 libraries, classes to construct magnets, r.f. cavities, absorbers, r.f. tuning mechanism, interface to Root cooling simulations, bunching, phase rotation
JetMET, Feb26 th 2003V. Daniel Elvira Future Geant4 is a young adult time to setup a local collaborative group (Fermilab+users) with critical mass for: Providing expertise Support ? Development ? Initially centered around CMS & expanding as the Fermilab program becomes more clear i.e. request from LCG for participation in a G4 fast shower parameterization project Join the Geant4 Collaboration (rules more flexible now) ? Organize user’s meeting/tutorials by 2004 ? Publications: source feasibility study, >5 conference proceedings, user manual (Fermi-pubs), many experiment internal notes, article to JCP (in preparation) Minimal Support (MICE may help in further development & mantainance)