SN (18)
What is Suggestopaedia? **Developed in 1970 by the Bulgarian psychotherapist Georgi Lozanov ** Suggestion + Pedagogy ** Works with relaxation & music (baroque).
Purpose : ** Lowering the affective filter of learners.
** Suggestopaedia is a system for Liberation : - The preliminary negative concept regarding the difficulties in the process of learning. - Previously suggested programs to restrict intelligence & spontaneous acquisition of knowledge, skills & habits.
Characteristics: ** Teacher controlled ** Background music ** Focuses on conscious & subconscious levels ** Physical surroundings & Atmosphere
How is this Method Practiced in Class?! Practicing the lesson is divided into 3 parts: Deciphering, Concert session & Elaboration.
** Deciphering >> Teacher introduces grammar & new lexis of the content. ** Concert session : - Passive : Students relax & listen to the teachers’ reading & acting - Active : Teacher reads & students follow. ( Notice that MUSIC is played in the background) **Elaboration>> SS finish off what they have learnt with dramas, songs, stories,etc
Teachers’ Role in Suggestopaedia: ** Shouldn't act directly ** Include classical art into their behaviors. ** Use factors “ communication in the spirit of love, respect for man as a human being, etc ** understand & acquire the practical methodology.
Advantages ** Works on the conscious & subconscious levels of the human mind. ** Teaches more than other methods can teach in the same amount of time. ** Students learn & have fun.
Disadvantages ** Traditional books can’t be used ** Understanding & creative solution of problems >>> NO memorization ** Teachers have to be qualified & trained enough, or students show no successful results.
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