Welcome to Southwest Middle School & Language Arts Class Find your seat and complete the information sheet on your desk. Find your seat and complete the information sheet on your desk.
We are the Bengals Team
Team Bengals Teachers Language Arts: Language Arts: Ms. Richardson, Mrs. Ingle & Ms. Valentine Ms. Richardson, Mrs. Ingle & Ms. Valentine Math: Math: Mrs. Gonzalez & Mr. Coons Mrs. Gonzalez & Mr. Coons Science: Science: Ms. Knicely Ms. Knicely Social Studies: Social Studies: Mr. Kil Mr. Kil
Prize Time
Before we begin discussing expectations and class rules let’s play a little warm up activity with you. It is called one truth and a lie. Each student will stand and introduce themselves. Then the student will tell one thing about themselves that is true and one that is not true, a lie. We will try to guess which is true and which is not true.
School Schedule Advisory/ Homeroom……8:45-9:15 Advisory/ Homeroom……8:45-9:15 Block 1……………………9:20-10:51 Block 1……………………9:20-10:51 Block 2……………………10:53-1:00 Block 2……………………10:53-1:00 Go to lunch with your 2 nd block Go to lunch with your 2 nd block Block 3…electives……….1:05-2:35 Block 3…electives……….1:05-2:35 Block 4…………………….2:38- 4:10 Block 4…………………….2:38- 4:10
How to Read Your Class Schedule Your name Period Trm.Course Teacher Room 1 (A-B)13-14Language ArtsIngleC-20 2(A-B)13-14Math 6thGonzalez Or Coons C-09 C- 3(A)S1DramaSmithD-02 4(A)13-14Int. ScienceKnicelyC HomeroomIngleC-20 3(B)S1Gateway to Technology BazluikiC-20 4(B)13-14Social StudiesKilC-18
Bus Numbers Lunch Numbers Uniforms Lockers($2) Locks ($5 or bring your own) Agendas ($3 or bring your own) Got any…..
During announcements on television you are silent and paying attention. We say the Patriot pledge everyday in advisory. There are no hall passes during the first 15 or last 15 minutes of class.
What you need for Language Arts Class Notebook paper Notebook paper Pencils Pencils A spiral notebook for each quarter A spiral notebook for each quarter Flashdrive Flashdrive Optional: laptop, ipad Optional: laptop, ipad
Look at this class and tell me what you think. v=uhiCFdWeQfA v=uhiCFdWeQfA v=uhiCFdWeQfA v=uhiCFdWeQfA
In your notebook,complete the following statements in response to the video you just watched… I saw… I saw… I heard… I heard… I think… I think… You have two minutes
T.A.T.- Turn and talk to the person next to you and ask the same questions. You have 1 minute for discussion. When the timer goes off, your time is up. You have 1 minute for discussion. When the timer goes off, your time is up.
This Year…If we can imagine it we can accomplish it. Our classroom is a small community and everyone has a part. What do you think the teacher’s part is? What is your part as a student?
Classroom Rules and Procedures Beginning of Class Beginning of Class Enter the classroom and immediately take your assigned seat. Enter the classroom and immediately take your assigned seat. ( This is the appropriate time to sharpen pencils and get supplies out.) ( This is the appropriate time to sharpen pencils and get supplies out.) Open your agenda and place it on your desk. Open your agenda and place it on your desk.
Check the homework assignment board and write down any assignments for the next day in your agenda. Check the homework assignment board and write down any assignments for the next day in your agenda. Check the day’s agenda on the board for the warm up exercise and begin it immediately in your notebook under the day’s date…without being told. Check the day’s agenda on the board for the warm up exercise and begin it immediately in your notebook under the day’s date…without being told.
Students will raise their hand and be recognized before speaking. Students will raise their hand and be recognized before speaking. Students may not leave their seats without raising their hand and getting permission from the teacher. Students may not leave their seats without raising their hand and getting permission from the teacher.
When a student is absent, it is their responsibility to find out what was missed and make arrangements with the teacher to make the work/test up. There will be a designated area where handouts will be kept. Work must be made up within 5 days for complete credit. Ten (10) points will be deducted for late work.
Students should use the restroom and get water before coming to homeroom in the morning and at lunch. Leaving class to go to the restroom will be allowed only in emergencies and with an agenda. Students must have a signed agenda with them.
Remember respect is like your shadow it should follow you everywhere you go…
End of Class The teacher, not the bell, dismisses the class; students are to remain in their seats until dismissed by the teacher.
Everyday is a fresh start…Make each day a great one! Consequences for bad starts Consequences for bad starts Non-Verbal Warning-The look Non-Verbal Warning-The look Student/Teacher Conference Student/Teacher Conference Call/text home Call/text home Lunch detention/After or before school detention Lunch detention/After or before school detention Referral to the office/Parent Teacher conference (ISS/OSS/Saturday School) Referral to the office/Parent Teacher conference (ISS/OSS/Saturday School)
Everyday is a fresh start…Make each day a great one! Rewards for great starts Rewards for great starts Good call/note home Good call/note home Special class prizes…will discuss later Special class prizes…will discuss later
Prize Time
Reflection… What did you learn from this presentation? What are the rules and expectations for this class? What did you learn from this presentation? What are the rules and expectations for this class? Let’s practice raising our hands and listening to what others say. Let’s practice raising our hands and listening to what others say. Any questions? Any questions?
One Final Prize Time