PS e-Cloud Simulations Non-Standard Charge Distributions C. M. Bhat, H. Maury Cuna, H. Damerau, S. Hancock, E. Mahner, F. Caspers and F. Zimmermann e-cloud.


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Presentation transcript:

PS e-Cloud Simulations Non-Standard Charge Distributions C. M. Bhat, H. Maury Cuna, H. Damerau, S. Hancock, E. Mahner, F. Caspers and F. Zimmermann e-cloud simulation meeting July 29, 2011 C. M. Bhat et. al. E-Cloud Meeting 7/29/2011

PS-e-cloud data of : BLM 7/29/2011 C. M. Bhat et. al. E-Cloud Meeting eCloudStudiesC2320_ 100kV_ 50kV_counter _c.dat Trace 104 Trace 140 Trace 104 Trace 109 Trace 120 Trace 13 0 Beam Int.= 980E10/72 bunches Bunch Int.= 1.36E11ppb Trace 135

PS Bunch Profiles:Bunch Lengthening Mode (Non-Standard Charge Distributions) C. M. Bhat et. al. E-Cloud Meeting 7/29/2011 Bunch Profiles for V2/V1= 0 to 0.5 V1=40kV to 100kV Bunch Profiles during the splitting Bunch Int.= 1.36E11ppb Start of e-cloud

C. M. Bhat et. al. E-Cloud Meeting 7/29/2011 Bunch Profiles for V2/V1= 0 to -0.5 V1=40kV to 100kV Bunch Profiles during the splitting Maximum e-cloud Bunch Int.= 1.4E11ppb (4% larger than BLM case) PS Bunch Profiles:Bunch Shortening Mode (Non-Standard Charge Distributions) Start of e-cloud

C. M. Bhat et. al. E-Cloud Meeting 7/29/2011 Bunch Profiles for V2/V1= 0 V1=40kV to 100kV Bunch Profiles during the splitting Bunch Int.= 1.36E11ppb (1% less than BLM case) PS Bunch Profiles: LHC25 (Non-Standard Charge Distributions) Start of e-cloud

ECLOUD: Standard Version and Changed Version Standard Charge Distributions in ECLOUD (idistr)  Gaussian (idistr=1)  Uniform (idistr=0)  Symmetric Trapezium (idistr=2)  Parabolic (idistr=3) In all these cases the “bweight” (which determines the longitudinal distribution function) is calculated using analytical formulae. The PS data demands changes to ECLOUD code to handle Non-standard Charge Dists. This led to “ ecloud_last_gfortran_modifiedon beta.f”  Non-standard filling pattern  up to 10 non-standard pattern which can repeat “n” number of time  Now it can take any charge distribution by reading “bweight”s from an external file “idistr7arbbnchprofile.dat” (idistr=7) C. M. Bhat et. al. E-Cloud Meeting 7/29/2011

Non-standard Filling pattern C. M. Bhat et. al. E-Cloud Meeting 7/29/ b 12 24b b 12 8b 8

Tests with Different Charge Distributions treated in two ways C. M. Bhat et. al. E-Cloud Meeting 7/29/2011 Conclusion: Now ECLOUD can take any type of charge distributions Gaussian Bunch Trapezium Bunch Triangle Bunch. Uniform Bunch Normalized to Area=1

Tests with Different Charge Distributions C. M. Bhat et. al. E-Cloud Meeting 7/29/2011 x10 Conclusion: Now ECLOUD can take any type of charge distributions Gaussian Bunch Trapezium Bunch Triangle Bunch. Uniform Bunch x4

ECLOUD Simulations on PS data C. M. Bhat et. al. E-Cloud Meeting 7/29/2011 Standard Profiles “bweight” input to ECLOUD Start of e-cloud 12.6 meters

1 st Attempt with ECLOUD on the PS data C. M. Bhat et. al. E-Cloud Meeting 7/29/2011 eCloudStudiesC2320_ 100kV_ 50kV_counter _c.dat nbstep= 85 nistep=1000

Summary The analysis of the PS e-cloud data demands improvements in the ECLOUD to handle non- standard charge distributions ECLOUD is modified to  Read any arbitrary charge distributions (idistr=7)  Any arbitrary filling pattern up to 10 non standard pattern Made a first attempt to simulate the PS e-cloud data C. M. Bhat et. al. E-Cloud Meeting 7/29/2011

ESME Simulations 7/29/2011 C. M. Bhat et. al. E-Cloud Meeting Region of Interest for e-cloud V(40MHz) rf was increased from 40kV to 100kV during this last 5msec 40 MHz rf (h=1) 80 MHz rf (h=2) 0 V 50kV 100kV RF Manipulation in the PS at 26 GeV