Academic Excellence For All Brian D. Bannen Principal
Mary Snow School Grade 4 & 5 on Bangor’s East Side 262 students as of June 12, 2015 13 Classes total, 7 grade four and 6 grade five Title I Targeted Assistance School 41% of Students Free/Reduced Lunch G/T and SPED Programs School-wide attendance rate of over 95%
Smarter Balanced Assessment Grade 5 ELA Reading: Mary Snow: 66% Proficient State: 62 % Mary Snow: 39% Level 4 State: 18% Mary Snow: 27% Level 3 State: 34% Academic Excellence
Smarter Balanced Assessment Grade 5 Math Mathematics Mary Snow: 50% Proficient State: 35% Mary Snow: 26% Level 4 State: 14% Mary Snow: 24% Level 3 State: 20% Academic Excellence
Smarter Balanced Assessment Grade 4 ELA Reading: Mary Snow: 78% Proficient State: 47 % Mary Snow: 50% Level 4 State: 21% Mary Snow: 28% Level 3 State: 26% Academic Excellence
Smarter Balanced Assessment Grade 4 Math Mathematics Mary Snow: 61% Proficient State: 40% Mary Snow: 35% Level 4 State 13% Mary Snow: 26% Level 3 State: 27% Academic Excellence
SRI Data Grade 4 – Proficiency Growth September to June Advanced to Proficient: 73% to 86% Advanced: 23% to 38% Below Basic or Basic: 25% to 14% Academic Excellence
SRI Data Grade 5 – Proficiency Growth September to June Advanced to Proficient: 76% to 86% Advanced: 31% to 40% Below Basic or Basic: 24% to 14% Academic Excellence
Focus on Academic Achievement at Mary Snow Driven by high expectations of the Superintendent, School Committee, and School Board. Further Guided by Bangor’s Ten-Year Strategic Plan. School-based SCC goals are developed and implemented in each building, which guides professional work during school and grade- level meetings. Student achievement profiles are sent in from feeder schools to prepare teachers and staff for incoming classes. Backwards planning is encouraged to mesh similar learning concepts and go deeper with material. Quality Instructional Program/Professional Excellence
Curriculum Choices at Mary Snow Curriculum guides (math) and Scope and Sequence (Treasures) are used to move through the concepts in the curriculum. Accelerated curriculum in ELA and Mathematics; acceleration for all students in regular education thorough the use of the workshop model. Grade 5 G/T math students to Course III in Grade 6; Accelerated group to Course II in Grade 6. Creation of a book room to support Literacy instruction and professional development. Quality Instructional Program/Professional Excellence
Assessment of Student Progress at Mary Snow Response to Intervention (RTI) has more specific student goals, and is based on formative assessments. Workshop model has allowed teachers to provide intervention or strategy groups to solidify the learning and application of concepts. Teachers have implemented 3-Minute Reading assessments and Leveled Literacy (LLI) assessments to target literacy skills and design instruction.
Written Responses in Performance Assessments at Mary Snow Creation of a writing plan (narrative, informative, persuasive) and professional development to support the plan during grade-level meetings. A continued push for reading and mathematics journals to push student thinking. Professional development of Writing Workshop and increased opportunities for students to write across the curriculum. Quality Instructional Program/Professional Excellence
Next Steps! Make data and student achievement results more visible. Create a math data wall to drive more discussion about mathematics. Continue to review the schedule to maximize instructional time. Learning Targets Posted and connections made. Find ways to offer STEM activities. More opportunities for Higher Order Thinking. Continue to use Achievement Profile Summary sheets from Grade 3 to understand classroom make-up and individual students. Environment for Success
Next Steps! Implement more opportunities for critical reading and writing in science and social studies. Build In more time for Writing Workshop and opportunities to write across the curriculum. More work with the Lucy Calkins rubric and student checklists. Professional Development with the Prompting Guides and Unites of Study (Lucy Calkins). Calibrate the scoring of writing. Environment for Success