Midcontinental intensive update
Top-down summary Successful 2007 atmospheric CO 2 measurement campaign underway. Data array of unprecedented density. Various groups have inverse methods prepared and/or under development. Slow link for inverse analyses is likely to be atmospheric transport fields.(?) 2004 has been suggested as a test case for top- down and bottom-up methods and comparison of these methods since all data are already available. This should speed our ability to synthesize data once they are available. No precise timelines or domain for 2004 test yet specified.
Atmospheric mixing ratio measurements for campaign 5 “ring of towers” sites (Penn State) running and debugged - final adjustments made in late June. Picarro cavity ring-down spectroscopic sensors. CO 2 only, two measurement levels (30 and m AGL). Iowa and Erie tall towers (NOAA) running as of late June. Multiple trace gases sampled in addition to CO 2. Total of 5 tall towers now running. 3 more planned for installation. Airborne profiling network (NOAA) is operational. More than 10 AmeriFlux towers host well-calibrated CO 2 mixing ratio measurements (Penn State, individual PIs). CO 2 only. Database under development. Site maps, etc, at Airborne sampling campaign (Purdue) took place in June/July, flights. NASA Langley Doppler wind/DIAL CO 2 system was deployed for 2 weeks at WLEF in Wisconsin, late June One month of DIAL CO2 planned for 2008, site TBD. CLASIC field campaign, June 2007, ARM site, Oklahoma.
Time Lines for MCI Campaign Flux Measurements Top-Down Bottom-Up Tall Tower Measurements Sampling Campaign AprAugDecAprAugDecAprAugDecAprAug Aircraft Profiles Ring of Towers Calibrated Flux Towers Aircraft Campaign MCI and Arm CART (1-3 wks) Data Stream Intercom- parisons (data and models) Top-Down v. Bottom-Up Input Data Available Intercom- parisons (models, 2003) Top-Down v. Bottom-Up Ameriflux Gracenet Previous Year Fluxes Previous Year Fluxes 2007 Est- imates
Additional specific products Fall 2007 EOS article about the MCI, including preliminary results, has been discussed. Fall 2007 AGU session on regional carbon flux measurements and models has been called. An overview talk on the MCI should be submitted to this session. MCI top-down and bottom-up communities should specify their plans (including timelines), if any, to run 2004 test cases.
More details on: Tall tower network Airborne profiling network MCI airborne campaign CLASIC airborne campaign
Tall tower network expansion (see map): Two new sites: WBI: West Branch, Iowa Target agricultural ecosystems MCI Start date: July 1, 2007 BAO: Erie, Colorado (May ) NOAA owned tower, Boulder Atmospheric Observatory Target urban emissions Two more sites planned by end of Calendar Year 2007 Walnut Grove, CA (joint with DOE via LBNL) Columbia, South Carolina (joint with DOE via SRNL) MCI Illinois tower still pending Still waiting on NOAA lease Hope to be ready by growing season 2008 Daily automated flask sampling from tower sites: LEF, WKT, WBI, BAO Carbon gases: CH 4, CO, 13 CO 2,, COS Pollution tracers: Halocarbons, SF 6,potential for 14 CO 2 NOAA Tall Tower Network Update
ExistingPendingDefunct NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory Tall Tower Network, August 2007
Mid-afternoon CO 2 from NOAA Tall Tower Network Summer 2007 TEXAS MAINE WISCONSIN COLORADO IOWA CO 2, ppm
NOAA Aircraft Program Vertical Annual Climatology Colm Sweeney Pieter Tans
MCI Mid-continent Intensive Mapping spatial Variability of CO 2 Colm Sweeney (NOAA/ESRL) Paul Shepson (Purdue) Pieter Tans (NOAA/ESRL)
ARM TOP-DOWN: CLASIC Flights, 2007 Flight planning guided by STILT forecast met Lagrangian missions and fossil influence flights with ARM Cessna 206 & CIRPAS Twin Otter (CO 2, CH 4, CO, Rn, and flasks) Analysis Prior estimates of land-surface fluxes from ISOLSM, Duke helicopter, and 10+ surface flux towers Fossil CO 2 from CO scaling and (soon) VULCAN (Purdue/LBNL) Influence functions for Baysian inverse estimation from STILT Data needs & MCI collaboration opport’s: High resolution met fields with convective parameters Background CO 2 fields Other inverse approaches (contact: Duke Helicopter 80 km Cirpas Twin Otter CO 2 CO CH 4 50 ppb 100 ppb 8 ppm ARM/Berkeley Lab, NOAA-ESRL, NASA AMES, Avissar
ARM Top Down: Urban signal, June 2007 Flight data show clear anthropogenic and natural influences on atm CO 2 upwind and downwind of Oklahoma City Biosphere-influenced atmospheric CO 2 decreases during day due to plant uptake. (60 m tower sees wheat and pasture) Downwind of Oklahoma City, fossil CO 2 plumes elevate CO 2 and CO. (Continuous CO and CH 4 data not shown) Analysis of CO, CH 4, 13 C,and 14 C will allow quantitative partitioning of anthropogenic emissions and biosphere fluxes. Aircraft CO Aircraft CO 2 60 m CO 2 upwind downwind Cirpas Twin Otter June 22, 2007 ARM/Berkeley Lab, NOAA-ESRL, NASA AMES