Welcome to Room 10 Please sign in and take a packet. Please sign in and take a packet. Mrs. Haury
Daily Routine 8:45-9:00Opening 9:00-9:30 Phonics, Spelling and Vocabulary 9:30-10:00Focus Skill (Practice a new standard) 10:00-11:30 Reading Groups 11:35-12:20Lunch 12:20-1:45 Math or 12:20-1:00 PE -Tuesday’s and Friday’s and every other Wednesday beginning August 21, 2013 followed by math 1:45-2:05Recess 2:05-3:10 Writing/ELD Music to be announced
During the Week P.E. is every Tuesday and Friday and every other Wednesday. Please be sure that your child is wearing attire appropriate for running. (Backless shoes are not allowed.) Water bottles are encouraged. Library on Thurday Music to be announced
Home/School Communication Please check backpack daily for notices home. Check for behavior slips. Sign and return the following day if needed. Progress reports will be sent home mid-trimester for struggling students. Check teacher web page for information. Sign up online to receive a notification from me when I change my webpage.
School News Arrive no earlier than 8:15 a.m. If my door is unlocked and I am inside, the students may enter and take AR quizzes and check out books from my library. Dismissal – All students must wait in designated grade level area in front of the school if they are to be picked up by car. Please reinforce the importance of sitting quietly at dismissal. Parent Club meetings every third Thursday at 6:30 p.m. in the Library- Become a member and get involved! Attendance- make sure you come to school everyday and on time! Late arrivals must obtain a tardy slip from the office before entering the classroom
Behavior/Classroom Expectations It is vital that children learn to take responsibility for their words and actions. We treat each other in a respectful manner in our classroom. Earn rewards for good behavior or pay consequences for poor choices. My classroom rules are strictly enforced. Please check each day for the behavior slip that goes home. Sign and return yellow slip if necessary.
Classroom Rules 1.Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. 2.Listen when others are speaking. 3.Follow directions the first time given. 4.Complete all assignment neatly and on time. 5.Treat others the way you would like to be treated.
Classroom Behavior Plan Clothespins start on “Awesome Day” (green) each day. First warning moves the clothespin to “Verbal Warning” (blue). Second warning moves the clothespin to “Time Out” (yellow). Third warning moves the clothespin to “Loss of Afternoon Recess” (red) and a phone call home. Further warnings may warrant a referral and possible visit to the office. Students will take home a small colored square matching the behavior he/she ended up on each day. If they move their clothespin, they will complete a yellow slip that lists the rules broken and what they did wrong. Parents keep the small colored square and discuss, sign and return the yellow slip the following school day. If a slip is not returned or remains unsigned, the student will have recess detention until it is received. They student will call the parent if the slip is not received by the third day. Awesome Day (green) Verbal Warning (blue) Time Out (yellow) Loss of Afternoon Rcess (red) Start here
Language Arts and Mathematics The Great Reading Race- 200 Word Club and Accelerated Reader First in Math – Students can access this program at home and earn points Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the new Common Core Standards for Language Arts, Math, and Writing for your child’s grade level at
Homework All homework supports what we are doing in class. The district guidelines provide for 30 minutes of homework daily. Please do not do more that 30 minutes. If your child is having difficulty completing the assignment within the allotted time, please contact me. All students must do their best work and turn it in completed. Reading is highly valued. Make sure your child reads 10 to 20 minutes daily and completes the reading log. Homework log goes home on Monday and is returned on Friday. A list of spelling sentences are provided for the students to practice at home. They will be tested on the same sentences on Fridays. A reading log is on the back. Students write the title of the book and the author’s name. This will help them when they take their AR quizzes. Math review will be handed out a few times per week. It is to be returned completed the next day. Students must master their addition and subtraction facts with sums to 20 by memory. This must be done as part of their daily math homework.
Webpage You can access my webpage by going to Click on SCHOOLS, select Knob Hill Elementary. Click on CLASSROOMS, select Haury, E. (Libby) Please check periodically for updates and new links Register online to receive e-alerts from me when I update my webpage.
Ways to Contact Me: Notes to School After School (760) ext me at
Volunteers Volunteers are needed for a variety of tasks such as reading with students, assessing, teacher prep and assisting centers. I would love to have a few parents who can come on a weekly basis. I will also accept any help for any amount of time from parents or relatives that have a few spare moments they would like to share.
My wish list is comprised of items I would like to have in my classroom. It is not obligatory. It is completely voluntary. The following are items that I would love to share with the students: Kleenex (with lotion-their little noses get red) Xerox paper (white) Printer ink – Black and Colored 88XL Clorox Wipes End Cap Pencil Erasers Wide ruled spiral notebooks for journaling Pencils (plain #2 pencils-the fancy ones dull the pencil sharpeners) Wish List