Hello and Welcome! I’m Mr. Specter, your teacher. The objective for each day will be on the back board when you come in. No need to wait for me to start class. Instruction sheets will be on the desk in the back by the black and white printer.
Class Rules I’ll be going straight through my PowerPoint. Please hold all questions to the end. The answer you seek may be on the very next slide. Not interrupting presentations is a rule. I’ll let you know when you may ask questions.
Class Rules Please be on time to class. We have a lot to cover and you might miss important instructions. Students who are late to class will receive detention, phone calls home and other penalties as outlined in your handbook.
Class Rules Everyone is to stay in their assigned seat during class. This is a small space and every computer is in use. I take roll by checking empty seats. If you’re out of your seat you might get an unexcused absence. You may not move your seat or change your chair without permission. The padded chairs rise up so the students along the perimeter of the room can type comfortably.
Class Rules The rules against Headphones will be followed as per the student handbook. If you pull them out, I own them. – You can get them back from the office at the end of the next day.
Class Rules Food, drinks, and gum are not to be consumed in the computer lab. Not ever. – The administration is very big on this. I can get in trouble if I don’t enforce their rules. Stay on task. You’ll learn more if you concentrate on learning. If you have a question or need assistance please raise your hand.
Class Rules The purpose of the computers to so you can learn the curriculum covered in this course. No outside software, music or on-line games or music are allowed. Students who fall behind on their assignments or grades or violate district policy may find resources blocked on their computer. – This could hurt your grade!
Class Rules These computers can be monitored remotely. – I can get in trouble if I don’t enforce the administration’s rules! – If your student folder or Internet get blocked it’s your loss and your grade may suffer. – Follow the district policies and you’ll be fine.
Class Rules Restroom Use is to Occur During Lunch or Between Classes. Medical Situations Require a Doctor’s Note Which Must be Filed with the School Nurse.
Class Rules A Maximum of One Bathroom Pass Per Student Per Report Period. There are Too Many Things Going on to Allow Students Out to Roam the Halls. Bathrooms are not even on this floor.
Grading 75% From the in-class assignments. 15% Tests 10% Participation/Attendance Limited Homework! Extra Credit Available After School Help Available
Check Your Grades Off of Mr. Specter’s Web Page. – – Usually Updated Daily vs. Once Per Week for Edline. Graded work returned to your folder.
Course Content HTML Word Excel PowerPoint Database program (Filemaker Pro) Photoshop, Sketchup, Freehand and others The goal is to teach you skills that will save you time. Course Syllabus is on-line.
Check Your Grade On Line In most cases that will be your report card grade. There are exceptions.
Rounding If your grade ends in.5 or higher it is rounded up. Example: 89.5 gets rounded to a 90. – 89.4 is reported as an 89. Highest Grade is 100.
Grades may be adjusted Students who have an IEP ESL Students. Others as required by SV Policy, State or Federal Law. Students who are caught cheating may be dropped to a maximum of a 59 for that reporting period.
Policy on Cheating No Warnings! 0’s for both the giver and the receiver. Calls Home. You may be Referred to a Principal. Students who aren’t passing may get other punishments. Don’t do it! – You work too hard to throw it away.
If you have a Question or Problem Raise your hand. I will get to you as soon as I can. If you call out I will delay getting to you. (It’s rude!) Understand that there are other things going on that you may be unaware of.
Class Rules Respect, respect, respect. Keep your language appropriate for the classroom. The administration’s Internet and network use policies are to be observed and will be enforced.
Class Rules You are responsible for your data. – Backup your work onto your student folder. – These computers have been known to fail. Save early and save often. – You’re only as good as your last backup or save. If you mess with your computer settings you do so at your own peril.
Other Notes: We have a lot to get through. – I can’t hold up the entire group for a few individuals. – If you need additional time or help come in after school. – I’m here almost every day. I don’t stay the last few days of a report period.
Other Notes: Most skills-based assignments can be fixed for up to one week after they are due. Students who have a medically excused absence get one day extra for each excused day, but no longer.
Thank You!