#1 Be on time! In order to get the most out of class, you must make the best effort to be here on time. If you know in advance you will be late, please inform me or a classmate so I don’t turn you in for cutting class. All late students entering the room must have a signed pass from a teacher. NO EXCEPTIONS! #2 Be Prepared! This means you come to class everyday with all classroom materials needed for the day. This includes books, writing utensils, notebooks, and a positive attitude. This is a rule, not a request! #3 Be Respectful! Come to class ready to treat others the way you expect to be treated. Talking while I or another students is talking is disrespectful and will not be tolerated. This is a classroom of mutual respect and we will act accordingly.
Our rules can be remembered by the acronym “RESPECT.” They are as follows: R espect others and yourself E veryone does his or her best S oft voices and appropriate language are used P lease keep our classroom and school clean E veryone keeps hands, feet, and objects to yourself C hange tasks quickly and quietly T eacher’s directions are followed the first time they are given
NO cell phones, Ipods, hand-held gaming devices, or any other type of distracting, non-educational electronic devices are permitted PERIOD! Texting during class time is also NOT permitted.
Stay in your seat! All students will remain in their seat until the bell rings. Students who line up at the door will serve a one minute wait penalty.
Leaving the classroom! All students who need to leave the room MUST have a hall pass filled out completely in order to leave. Students must also sign the sign out book by the door. Students must sign out and then sign back in in order to keep this privilege. Students who do not follow the rules will not be permitted to leave class. REMEMBER only 2 Times are allowed per 9wks
Cheating will NOT be tolerated! If you are caught cheating, either in class or outside of class, you will receive an automatic 0. No exceptions!
Food, drink, and gum! Research shows that coming to school well nourished is important to doing your best. Unfortunately, many students don’t take time to eat properly before school. Due to food allergies, food may not be brought into the classroom. Diabetic students may eat snacks in class as long as this is cleared by the nurse. Water and gum are permitted for all students as long as they do not end up creating a mess. The first time I find any gum anywhere it should not be, all privileges will be terminated. During computer usage water bottles must remain on the floor (no exceptions).
Privacy/Personal Space! STAY AWAY FROM MY DESK AND MY PERSONAL BELONGINGS. NO EXCEPTIONS! If you need something, please ask and I will do my best to assist you in getting it. Staplers, tape, and many office supplies are located at my podium, so there is no need for students to be around my desk. Please do not take this request personally. I have learned from past experiences that touchy students can and do often break things accidentally by mishandling them. Students who touch my personal property will be sent to the office. The bottom line is this: I will respect your personal property, and you should do likewise. Please respect other’s personal space as well.
Overall classroom behavior! You are now upper classmen. I expect you to act like young ladies and gentleman, and I will treat you accordingly. Working on other teachers assignments, sleeping during class, horseplay, or other inappropriate classroom behavior will have consequences.
Chronological survey of American Literature (Puritan - Contemporary Writers) Research Paper Argumentative Essay Informational Text Speaking and Listening Skills End of Course Test
Students will not be assigned a textbook of their own Class set of textbooks will remain in classroom for use If an assignment will be for extended period of time a textbook will be assigned with a number
2 inch Binder with a set of 10 tabs Pencils, Blue or Black Inkpins Sticky Notes 2 packs of paper (loose leaf) Composition Notebook (Writer’s Journal) Jump Drive Highlighters (pink, blue, and yellow)
Tests – 25% Compositions – 25% Homework/Quizzes/Daily Grade – 15% AR points – 15% Final Exam – 20% A = B = 85 – 92 C = 75 – 84 D = 70 – 74 F =
All work must be made up in a timely manner with an excused absence note. Failure to do so will result in a grade of “0” for the assignment(s). Any unexcused makeup work will be penalized by one letter grade. It is the student’s responsibility to copy the assignment board for his/her class, complete the assignment(s), and turn them in. Credit will be given for make-up work according to published school policy.
Furthermore, it is not the instructor’s responsibility to remind individuals what they need to make up. All make-up work must be completed two weeks prior to the end of the semester.
Homework and daily assignments are due upon request as assigned; they will NOT be accepted late. Late penalties of 10 points per day will apply to papers and other major assignments designated by me ( excluding the Jr. Research Paper – all due dates are firm on this) THE JUNIOR RESEARCH PAPER WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED LATE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.
See Hand-out Parent/Guardian MUST SIGN and you must return to me
Students will ONLY be allowed to be in the hall or go to restroom 2 times during a 9 week period. If you do choose to use these two times, you will be required to write a 20 line bathroom or hall pass poem of my choice. If you choose not to use these passes, you will receive 10 points on your lowest test or quiz grade of your choice.
1 st time = WARNING 2 nd time = X file (Assignments given are academic and time consuming.) Parent contact will be made. 3 rd time = Y file (Assignments given are essay or literary review based and lengthy) Parent contact will be made. 4 th time = Office visit to administrators
I have a website to help keep parents and students informed. I try to keep the website updated as much as I can; however I do fall behind at times. The website can be accessed through You or your parents can always contact me via through the website or you may call the school.