Water brings life Did you know…? About 1 in 10 people in the world live without clean water. Water is a basic human right Without water, people cannot.


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Presentation transcript:

Water brings life

Did you know…? About 1 in 10 people in the world live without clean water. Water is a basic human right Without water, people cannot reach their potential. “I was thirsty and you gave me a drink” Matthew 25:35

Water challenge

Guti’s story Uganda UK

Guti’s story

When we had no water we would go thirsty and we would be dirty and spend a long time without bathing. Guti’s story

Education HealthFood Poverty Life

Loving God, We think of all the people around the world who have no access to clean, safe water. May our gifts, prayers and actions support them as they work to improve the lives of their communities. Together, may we build a world where everyone has access to water, can go to school and can achieve their potential. Amen

Photos: Ben White, Annie Bungeroth Illustrations: Per Karlen