Bertolt Brecht Delete all instructions before you present your work. Insert your name here
GCSE Drama Homework You need to create a PowerPoint presentation to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of Bertolt Brecht Deadline: Wednesday 28 th January vd2p/revision vd2p/revision
Remember! Seek help before the final deadline if you are not sure about the instructions or tasks. Don’t leave it until Wednesday 28 th January. You can ask me in lessons, breaks before/after school or even me
Task Design your presentation so that it is attractive, informative and demonstrates your knowledge and understanding of Brecht and the social, historical and cultural context of his work. Remember if you include quotes from a book or web site you have used, you must put them in quotations marks and include the book or web site in the last slide of your presentation.
Social, historical and cultural contexts the life or biography of the playwright other works that the playwright has written the historical period in which that play was written the place or event that gave rise to the play the ways in which the language used in the play reflects the period in which it was written the particular culture within which the play was written the social background of the playwright or the theme or setting of the play Delete this slide
Introduction Explain who Brecht was. When did he live? Where was he born? What did he believe theatre should do? Explain what a theatre practitioner is.
Naturalistic Theatre Describe what naturalistic theatre was. Explain why Brecht wanted theatre to move away form naturalistic theatre. What did Brecht call naturalistic theatre?
Epic theatre What is Epic Theatre? vd2p/revision/2 vd2p/revision/2
Verfremdungseffekt (V effect) What is verfremdungseffekt? Also called V effect or alienation effect? What devices did Brecht use to alienate or distance the audience? vd2p/revision/4 vd2p/revision/4
Plays Include a list of plays written by Brecht.
An example of a Brecht play Choose one play (not the Caucasian Chalk Circle) and include a brief summary of the plot and characters.
Bibliography Write a list of the books, magazines and websites you have used to research your presentation.
Test Having conducted the research and created a PowerPoint to demonstrate you knowledge and understanding of Brecht, take the test on: vd2p/revision/11 vd2p/revision/11 Include a screen shot of your result!