“May I Go the Bathroom?” Name _______ Class -____ Unscramble. 1.I/bathroom/to/may/go/the? 2.play/I/may/outside? 3.Drink/may/I/some/water? 4.eat/sandwich/may/I/a? 5.come/may/in/I? 6.co/home/may/I/go? 7.I/may/use/brain/eat? 8.use/your/scissors/may/I? 9.your/car/may/I/use? 10.May/use/your/glue/I? Section 1
Correct the sentence. 1.i’m boring (3) 1.I is Thirsty (3) 1.can i go to the bathroom (2) 1.May I use your scisorz (2) 1.may I help you (2) Section 2
Teacher answer key for section 2 Correct the sentence. 1.i’m boring (3) I’m bored. Capital ‘I’, boring changes to bored and a period at the end of the sentence. 2.I is Thirsty (3) I am (I’m) thirsty. Verb tense correction, capital ‘T’ changes to lowercase, and a period is missing. 3.can i go to the bathroom (2) Can I go to the bathroom? Capital ‘C’ and a missing question mark. 4.May I use your scisorz (2) Scissors is misspelled and a question mark is missing. 5.may I help you (2) May I help you? Capital ‘M’ and a question mark is missing.