SCS Theatre/Media Arts Breakout Session Program Recruitment and Developing Student Leadership District Learning Day Memphis College of Art
Norms Be present and engaged. Be respectful of differences in perspective while challenging each other productively and respectively. Monitor “air time.” Make the most of the time we have. Stay focused on students.
Objectives Know: Teachers will know how to select recruiting processes that will yield high performing ensembles with high levels of retention. Teachers will also know several methods to develop student leadership.
Objectives Understand: Teachers should understand that focusing on program recruitment will positively affect the climate of the program. A focus will also be placed on understanding that developing student leaders can promote efficiencies within the program.
Objectives Be Able to Do: Teachers will be able to use varied methods of recruiting and student development techniques to support program goals.
Do Now THINK-PAIR-SHARE In a group of 3-4, discuss how you incorporate student leaders in your program. What selection process do you use to select leaders?
How does student leadership fit into overall program health? Natural Leaders Theatrical Leaders Social Leaders How do we cultivate each type of leader to offer systems of support for the organization?
MODELING Types of Leadership Selection Processes Attracting Leaders to Our Program Cultivating those Leaders Retaining those Leaders
Reflection: MODELING What resonated with you? What is similar to your current practice? What is different than your current practice? What are you going to change as a result?
Application Which process will work best for your organization? How will you decide if and when changes need to be made? How do you create a program that is meaningful and sustainable?
Reflection: Application What was easiest for you? What was most difficult? What else do you need to learn/do prior to applying to your classroom?
Revisit Objectives Know: Teachers will know how to select recruiting processes that will yield high performing ensembles with high levels of retention. Teachers will also know several methods to develop student leadership. Understand: Teachers should understand that focusing on program recruitment will positively affect the climate of the program. A focus will also be placed on understanding that developing student leaders can promote efficiencies within the program. Be Able to Do: Teachers will be able to use varied methods of recruiting and student development techniques to support program goals.
Next steps and activities for follow up Develop and implement a leadership selection process. Use the information discussed to define roles in your organization.
Reflection: One minute paper on post-it Jot down your “Take-Aways” Consider what you need to know and be able to do to successfully implement what you have learned in this session. – What is still unclear? – What professional development or additional resources do you need?
District Contact James Wells Fine Arts Instructional Advisor