The Reposition Insights from the past and present.
I shoot children and teens in natural light, seeking to create a classic style with a contemporary eye. The images represent a privileged lifestyle captured in a series of highly produced candid moments and portraits.
What do you shoot ? How do you shoot it ?
What makes a style? Tools or Vision…
Portfolio Build
Picture Story Scene Setting Images Candid Moments Intimate Portraits Location Inspired
1.Scout Locations 2.Review Scout Images 3.Brainstorm Story Lines 4.Cast 5.Wardrobe 6.Prop 7.Encourage spontaneity Process
1.Location Owner 2.Selina ~ Consultant 3.Talent Stylist 4.Production Assistants 5.Camera Assistants Team
1.Selina ~ Image Selection 2.Copywriter 3.Web Designer Web Team
Why? There is no why not.
Challenges It is going to hurt.
Surprises It never gets old.
Budget How much should the future cost?
END. Thanks.