Have you ever had any sort of bad luck on Friday the 13 th ? If so, explain. If not, do you believe in Friday the 13 th being an unlucky day? Explain. Months That Begin With Sunday Will Always Have A Friday The 13Th.
“Knock” is the shortest horror story, having only 2 sentences: The last man on earth sat alone in a room. There was a knock on the door.” Make up your own Halloween horror story. It should be between five and ten sentences in length. It must have a beginning (introduction of characters and setting), middle (with climax), and end (conclusion).
Some time during the 1700S in London England You Could Purchase Insurance Against Going To Hell Do you believe in a place called hell? Why or why not? Explain in detail.
Do you believe in any kind of superstition at all? Why or why not? Explain. In In the 19 th century, a Captain Friday attempted to dispel the superstition that Friday was an unlucky day to embark on a ship. So, he set sail on a Friday and the ship, nor her crew, were ever heard of again...
In Victorian times, there was an intense fear of being buried alive. So when a body was buried, a small hole was dug from the casket to the surface. A string was tied around the dead person’s finger, which was then attached to a small, but loud, bell that was hung on the surface of the grave. This way, if someone was buried alive the person could ring the bell and whoever was on duty would dig up the grave. Someone was on the clock 24 hours a day—hence the grave yard shift. Imagine you are a guard in Victorian times and it’s your turn to do the graveyard shift. Describe your experience in detail.
Paranormal Experts Say People Reach The Peak Of Their Ability To See Ghosts When They're 7 Years Old Do you believe in ghosts? Explain why or why not.
A 13-Year-Old Boy In India Produced Winged Beetles In His Urine After Hatching The Eggs In His Body. In your opinion, what is the creepiest insect? Explain your choice in detail.