Source: Complete the Ageism Survey How did you score on the Ageism Survey? Teens shouldn’t be trusted. Teens can’t do anything on their own; they always need adult supervision. Teens shouldn’t have opinions about politics or the world because they don’t understand those kinds of complicated topics.
Do you sometimes discriminate against people because of their age? Think about what was written on the last slide about teenagers. What are your thoughts about the statements? Share your responses with the class. (Note: The statements on the board are examples of age discrimination. Help students make the connection that just like they don’t want to be discriminated against, people who are older or younger than they are don’t want to face ageist attitudes either.)
What are some ways the media (e.g., advertising, television and movies) reflect ageist attitudes? As a class, make a list of characters or people in the media who reflect ageist stereotypes. Are there any movies/TV shows where an older person is made fun of for being “weak” or “incapable”? Are there any advertisements you’ve seen that seem to lump a whole age group together?
Use a personal computer, cell phone, or Chromebook to read the following article: /ns/health-aging /ns/health-aging In your notebook, draw a T-chart where the left column is labeled "Facts" and the right is labeled "Opinions." Stop after a section of text in the article and record the main facts in that section. Beside each fact, record your opinion of it. After you've read the article, turn and talk to a partner and share your Facts and Opinions chart. Did you both pick out similar main facts? Were your opinions on each fact similar or different?