Waste Classification and Waste Management System STAKEHOLDER WORKSHOP 30 th JULY 2010
2 Objectives DEA Objectives – – To report on the success of national waste policy in moving waste up the hierarchy from landfilling to reuse, recycling and recovery – Identify the impact of policies and waste management interventions – Identify waste streams requiring further management intervention To achieve this objective, DEA needs to know – – What waste are currently generated in SA? – How much waste are we generating? – How is the waste currently being managed ? Can answer questions by generating the following reports: – Tonnages of waste finally treated, recycled, recovered or landfilled Achieved by waste management facilities reporting under specific waste management category Reporting on specific waste types managed
3 Waste Categorisation Identifies waste management facilities that must report Identifies codes under which the facilities must report Provides a list of waste types which must be reported on Identifies waste generators that are required to register Requirements are implemented through the WIS regulations
5 Registration All waste management facilities are required to register under specific codes and sub-codes – Codes: R: for recycling and recovery of waste T: for treatment of waste not for disposal i.e. final treatment D: for disposal of waste – Sub – codes R1 - R6 T1 - T4 D1 - D5 All generators of hazardous waste generating in excess of 20kg of hazardous waste/day are required to register and receive a registration number All major generators of HCRW (i.e. > 20kg/day) are required to register and receive a registration number
6 Waste Management facilities required to register & registration codes
8 Reporting All WM facilities identified in the wm codes must report not all facilities requiring a waste licence will report i.e. waste separators, bulking & transfer facilities – the final handler or user will report i.e. the recycler or recoverer Reporting is required on three levels – level one – waste classification – Level two – major waste type – Level three – specific waste type The WM facility must report per waste generator if the generator has a WIS registration number (i.e. if the generator generates in excess of 20kg of hazardous waste per day) Information will be available from the manifest system which is required in terms of the WC & M regulations
9 Information required to be reported DataDescription DEAT RegNoDEAT Registration number: Unique reference to a registered facility YearYear to which waste data applies MonthMonth to which waste data applies ProvinceProvince from which the waste comes MunicipalityMunicipality from which the waste comes DEA Reg numberGenerator from which the waste comes Waste Type Recycled, recovered treated etc. Waste type in terms of the reporting categories; Level 1 level 2 and level 3 Quantity in tonnesQuantity of waste in tonnes
General Waste Reporting Categories LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 – Major waste typeLEVEL 3 – specific waste tyre NoNameNoName GENERAL WASTE GW01Municipal Waste01 GW10Commercial and Industrial waste01 GW13Brine01 GW14Fly ash and dust from miscellaneous filter sources01 GW15Bottom ash01 GW16Slag01Ferrous metal Slag 02Non-ferrous metal slag 03Others GW17Mineral Waste01Foundry sand 02Refractory waste 03Others GW18Waste of Electric and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)01 GW20Organic waste01Garden Waste 02Food waste GW21Sewage sludge01 GW30Construction and demolition waste01 GW50Paper01Newsprint and magazines 02Brown grades 03White grades 04Mixed grades GW51Plastic01PETE 02Others GW52Glass01 GW53Metals01Ferrous 02Non - ferrous GW54Tyres01 GW99Other01
Hazardous Waste Reporting Categories
13 Any Questions or Comments?