The iPad and Its Competitors: A Review of the iPad Presentation by Lee Jia Kang, Samuel Chee, Yeo Zhi Jie, Melvin Khoo, Woon Bing of 11S201
WHEN DID THE IPAD FIRST ORIGINATE? It first originated on the 27 th January, 2010.
HOW IS THE PRICE OF THE IPAD DETERMINED? The price of the iPad is determined by the cost of production. The price is also determined by the spending power of the consumers.
WHAT ARE SOME OF THE PRODUCTS RELATED TO THE IPAD? Products like the iPhone and the iPod Touch are products under the same company Apple. They share the same operating system as the iPad, and can be considered as complementary products to the iPad. Competiting tablets like the Samsung Galaxy Tab, HP Slate are alternative products to the iPad. They serve as competitors to the iPad.
WHAT ARE SOME OF THE PRODUCTS RELATED TO THE IPAD, CONT. These tablets serve as a reference to Apple on what to include in their future updates to the iPad, and thus improve their competitiveness in the market.
Producer’s Point-of-View 1) Apple needs to price their tablets lower To compete and gain the dollar votes of their targeted consumers. However, Apple cannot price the iPad too low as they would not be maximizing their profits. The price must cover the cost of production. Apple needs to price the iPad at an affordable level. Many consumers are able/willing to purchase the iPad. This would be at the equilibrium point on the demand and supply curve for the iPad.
Producer’s Point-of-View 2) Apple needs to increase the quality of their products. Pack the iPad with more features. iPad needs to stand out from the other competing tablets. This would increase the demand for the iPad as the iPad will be more desirable and more consumers are willing to pay for it.
Consumer’s Point-of-View 1) Consumers will choose other tablets that are in the market. This is relative to the preferences of the consumers Consumers might like the features of the competing tablets. (E.g some prefer the andrios OS to the iOS) Thus, they would want to buy another tablet with different features that they prefer rather than iPad.
Consumer’s Point-of-View 2) Consumers that are not able/unwilling to pay for the iPad can find other cheaper alternatives. Some consumers may not need/like the features present in the iPad. Thus these people would just buy a cheaper/better tablet.
Thank You!
REFERENCES Info on iPad’s origins taken from Info on Apple’s other products taken from Info on Jailbreaking taken from Info on competitors to the iPad and features (table in previous slide) taken from 1&zoomIdx=1 1&zoomIdx=1