Robert Schuler
What You Will Learn How Spend Analytics is best applied in IT Procurement The Power of Understanding Supplier Spend Fast Techniques for Quickly Compiling an Accurate Spend Report Discover Useful Insights from Supplier Spend Data Rank Your Suppliers by Spend (and other criteria) Apply Insights Gained to Create Value Creating Value by Understanding IT Spend
Definition and Purpose What is Procurement Analytics? Why is Procurement Analytics Important? Creating Value by Understanding IT Spend
Drivers of IT Procurement Analytics Spend Intelligence YOY Budgeting Strategic Planning Supplier Intelligence Negotiation Leverage Time planning & management Creating Value by Understanding IT Spend
Where does Spend Data come from? Accounting Systems (i.e. General Ledger) United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC) Data Taxonomy and Categorization Creating Value by Understanding IT Spend Taxonomy* - the study of the general principles of scientific classification. Categorization* - to put (someone or something) into a group of similar people or things. * Source:
An Overview of the UNSPSC Codeset Five-level Hierarchical Classification All UNSPSC entities are further identified with an 8-digit structured numeric code which both indicates its location in the taxonomy and uniquely classifies it. An additional 2-digit suffix indicates the business function identifier. A structural view of the code set would look as follows: The UNSPSC code for Computer Switchboxes is: Creating Value by Understanding IT Spend
Data Management and Accuracy Suppliers Accounting team Procurement team Creating Value by Understanding IT Spend
Spend Data Analysis Live Demonstration Obtaining Spend Data Checking the Data for Errors Normalizing Spend Data Preparing and Formatting Extracting Insights from the Data Applying Insights to Create Value Creating Value by Understanding IT Spend