Genre The genre of my magazine will be acoustic/indie, using artists that girls would be more interested in. I picked this genre as I enjoy it myself (Ed Sheeran and Coldplay) and my in my family most people can play acoustic guitar, banjo, ukulele ect. Also I think there is a gap on the market to have a new and exciting acoustic magazine. Acoustic/indie music is new, passionate and an emotional style, that has a real meaning behind it. I want to take all this and make a modern, fun vibe magazine. Also having it appeal to the younger generations by using bright colours and new artists as acoustic music is normally seen as old-fashioned.
Desire Acoustic magazines are normally seen as country/folk music. However I want to give it a more glamorous feel. ‘Desire’ has a meaning of a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing. This highlights the rawness and emotions behind the type of music. I feel the title is simple yet it has many connotations to it. As I am targeting my magazine to girls, they will have the ‘desire’ to be like the artist on the front. Most acoustic magazines have a very natural, calm feel but I want to add more flash to make it more eccentric yet professional.
Covers of interest This cover has an older man on it and his facial expression looks quite scary. This will put teenage girls off the magazines as they are not invited in by the cover. However I really like the brightness and chilled atmosphere of the cover. I like how it has things in the picture, such as a banjo, as it is what you associated with acoustic music. Also it just adds more depth to the photo and gives the reader something more to enjoy. This magazine is also a special addition so it draws people in to get it.
This type of genre is not what I’m looking for, however I really like this cover. It has a very heavenly feel. It has a outdoorsy and naturalistic theme. The blue sky as the background and the white font has a very soft feel. On the main image, Katy looks like she is almost glowing but she does not have any heavy make-up on. This is what I want to create on my cover by having artists who look more natural and innocent. As teenagers girls will ‘desire’ to be like the artists I don’t want them looking fake. For my magazine cover I want to use instruments (guitar) as it is a big stereotype of what acoustic co covers have on.
This cover has a very clean and minimalistic colour scheme which is very effective. The colours are very natural with the green of trees and almost red berry colour. Acoustic is seen as a more rural style so these colours fit in nicely. On my cover I want to try and make a natural feel as it is what you would associate with acoustic music. I really like how the column inch is at an angle as it fits around the picture better. It frames Sheryl Grow’s face bringing more attention to her.
Planned content Here is a few ideas that I would like to incorporate in my magazine: Reviews of current and up coming artists Interviews with musicians about their music but also more about their actual life as this will appeal more to teenage girls. Top 10 songs of each season- it would be hard to do it weekly because by the time the magazine is issued the top 10 would have changed. A section of popular songs with chords- ranging from beginner to challenging difficulties so there is something for everyone. Album reviews Up and coming concerts and festivals- also reviews by readers. Discount codes on iTunes/albums/store(HMV discounts) As my audience will have a limited budget there will be a subscription to help save money. Posters
Unique selling point Acoustic magazines are normally aimed at older generations (boring colours, old musicians on the front), so I am giving it a new life with a more enthusiastic approach to show that there are many popular acoustic artists in the charts now (Florence & The Machine and James Morrison) to appeal to younger generations. ‘Desire’ will be for teenage girls by having a more inviting feel and artists they aspire to be like. I will have recent music and the current trends. This magazine will include discount codes and the chance to win tickets to concerts and instruments. There will be a few limited edition issues of exclusive interviews and anniversary's.
Typical reader profile A 17 year old girl at sixth form, who has a part time job in a music store. Music is a big part of her life, along with fashion and learning how to play instruments. Her parents enjoy listening to bands like Oasis and Coldplay. They have a record player in the house so songs are always playing. She has recently began a band with her friends, who use current acoustic artists as their inspiration. She has been to a few festivals with friends and concerts of her favourite artists. Also she regularly buys songs of ITunes and goes into stores to look at new CDs. She enjoys writing her own blog of album reviews. She is looking to go to university and has began to save money. A magazine with a subscription would be very good for her. Sixth form is taking up more of her time so she needs something that can keep her up to date with her favourite type of music and also have reviews and chords new songs and give her access to cheaper music and tickets. All of this just in one magazine.
Editorial Mission statement With the magazine ‘Desire’ the aim is to make a new and exciting acoustic magazine for teenage girls. Providing discount codes, reviews and tutorials. Hear the Music. See the Music. Live the Music.